Thursday, September 23, 2021 - Poverty wages

Addus Homecare is a multi-billion dollar company. But some employees can’t even afford to buy a cup of coffee. They say they are paid “poverty wages” despite working countless hours over the last year. Addus also received huge sums of money from the government as part of COVID-19 relief. Now employees hope they can share some of that money with their staff. Join with these workers and call on Addus to pay their workers a living wage.

Addus, pay your workers a living wage!

629 have signed SEIU Local 503’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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No More Poverty Wages!

“I have worked at Addus for 7 years and I’m very close to quitting. Because of the low wages I have cut back on all my basic needs. I struggle to pay my bills. I have zeros savings. There is no way I can go out to eat or splurge on coffees. I worked through a pandemic and wildfires. Those events were scary but I did it because I care about the people who depend on us for care. Addus needs to step up and pay us what we deserve.” - Nicole Wyler, caregiver at Addus 

Addus Homecare is a multi-billion dollar company headquartered in Texas, with locations in the Willamette Valley serving our seniors and people with disabilities. Despite receiving huge sums of money from the government during the COVID-19 crisis, Addus is paying members of our community poverty wages.

We are concerned citizens in Salem, Kaiser, Eugene, Medford and the surrounding areas that do not want to see the workers caring for our loved ones exploited. Addus is putting profit over people. Please sign our petition and demand that Addus pay their workers a living wage so our seniors and people with disabilities get the care they deserve.

I will not stand by as members of our community are paid poverty wages. We need living wage jobs. And we need high-quality care for our seniors and people with disabilities. Stop putting profits over people!

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