Friday, September 3, 2021

Time to stand publicly for what you believe

Without exception, every single religion on the planet teaches that we need to treat our beautiful planet with respect.

We have all been taught to stand up for what is right.

These teachings, these values, are fundamental to our humanity-- they are non-negotiable.

We also know that right now, fossil fuel pollution is driving climate fueled disasters and harming millions of people across the globe. We know that the expansion of the fossil fuel industry is wrong. We know that the US government is complicit.

We must transition away from dirty energy to a world where humanity has developed a shared reverence for life on earth.

It is time to take a strong stand. Taking action from a place of faith and spirit is more important than ever.

We need to end the era of fossil fuels.

Join us in Washington DC on Oct. 12 to kick off your Faiths 4 Climate Justice week with a multi-faith action.

Just yesterday, Indigenous and frontline community members from across the United States, who are fighting fossil fuel projects in their own backyards, invited us all to join them - not in word but in action - as they call on President Biden to stop fossil fuels.

“We have everything to lose and no time to wait. President Biden promised to address the climate emergency and a history of environmental injustice, but so far, his administration continues to allow the fossil fuel industry to poison our communities and desolate our Mother Earth. The President could stop dangerous fossil fuel projects like the Line 3 pipeline and Formosa Plastics plant with a stroke of his pen, but his inaction is continuing widespread environmental injustice and the violation of Indigenous rights and rights of nature. We will hold Biden to his “Justice 40” initiative; we expect him to help stop the destruction of fenceline communities, homelands and neighborhoods by the fossil fuel industry, and demand equity, restorative justice actions for the same.

We are asking you to stand with us. As representatives of communities who have carried the brunt of the harm from fossil fuels for generations, we ask you to join us in solidarity—and risk arrest—in Washington DC, October 12, 2021, as part of Build Back Fossil Free’s People vs Fossil Fuels Week of Action.” Link to full letter here.

Our community is responding to this call, with each person acting in accord with their own conscience. Please join us.

Those of us who are Christian also recognize that in the United States, we have much to repent for in our religion’s treatment of Indigenous communities. We must acknowledge the history that Christianity has played in the colonization, exploitation, and separation of Indigenous peoples and families. We must work to right these wrongs through real action and solidarity. This is a step in that direction.

As people of faith, we will be joining the DC action, and we hope you will join us, doing as your conscience directs. We hope to have a large delegation of clergy and lay people who are with us. Please join us by signing up here.

In faith and solidarity,

Rev. Fletcher Harper, GreenFaith*

Imam Saffet Catovic, Drew University*

Rev. Peggy Clarke, Community Church of New York (UU)*

Rev. Michael Malcolm, Peoples Justice Council*

Sunita Viswanath, Hindus for Human Rights*

*organizational affiliations listed for identification purposes only

P.S. If there’s no way you can join us in DC, please take action at home on Oct. 17-18 as part of the global Faiths 4 Climate Justice action. Many people of faith across the US will be targeting President Biden on October 18. They’ll be doing actions at Army Corps of Engineers offices and federal buildings calling on him to say no to fossil fuels! Sign up to host an event here.

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