Thursday, September 30, 2021

Tell Your Senator to Support the Freedom to Vote Act

This week, Senators Klobuchar, Kaine, King, Manchin, Merkley, Padilla, Tester, and Warnock introduced the Freedom to Vote Act (S.2747), a robust package of widely-supported democracy reforms. This legislation is a much-needed democracy reform package that ensures all Americans have their voices heard.


The Freedom to Vote Act is an important breakthrough towards laws that protect and strengthen our democracy. We are encouraged by its reforms, including provisions that ensure everyone can choose to vote early or vote by mail, that implement automatic voter registration, and that make Election Day a federal holiday.


Legislatures in nearly half of the states have passed laws that make it harder for eligible voters to cast a ballot. Congressional redistricting—and extreme gerrymandering—is already underway in states, shaping the political terrain for the next decade. The Freedom to Vote Act is one of the last chances we have to protect our democracy before the midterms.


This new bill incorporates the main pillars of the For the People Act, including protecting the right to vote, ending partisan gerrymandering, and decreasing the power of big moneyed special interests. It also includes protections against emerging tactics to undermine election results after ballots are cast. The Senate could vote on this new bill as early as next week!


Ask your Senators to support robust national standards for federal elections in the Freedom to Vote Act to ensure that we can safely and freely cast our ballots!


In 2008, in the policy, Lift Every Voice, the 218th Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly affirmed that "to deny anyone a fair vote is a sin." Denying equitable access to voting fundamentally goes against our Reformed Christian belief.  Every person deserves an equal voice in our democratic system. As people of faith, we have a responsibility to participate in politics out of a commitment to the common good. However, in states across the country, the right to vote is under attack. 


It is more critical than ever that we take action to reclaim the values and promise of our electoral process. 


Contact your Senator today and tell them to support the Freedom to Vote Act!

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