Friday, September 17, 2021 - Justice for Hack/Leak Victims

Justice for Hack/Leak Victims

Uldouz Wallace started this petition to Justice Department, and it now has 3,303 signatures

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Digital rape, and the pain that it causes its victims, inflict mental and physical harm that is more severe than the laws and punishments in place to punish the hacker committing it. Once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever as a life sentence, meanwhile, the hacker gets a slap on the wrist and they are back to living their lives freely with minimal repercussions. We are fighting for longer sentencing for these types of crimes and new laws be implemented for these specific yet damaging invasions of privacy as these acts must be considered as sex crimes. Targeting these women and committing digital rape must have a serious punishment.

Join us in making a difference by signing this petition to change these laws and start truly protecting women’s rights.

Search engine platforms and websites have continued to turn a blind eye to this conduct and its past time to hold them accountable for allowing criminal exploitation of digital content to be hosted and shared on their platforms.

Currently, these offenses are being federally charged in relation to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. We feel that justice is being mishandled and that new laws must be implemented immediately to stiffen the penalty of stealing a woman’s basic human rights. 

Sign this petition and join the fight to help make a difference. 
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