Thursday, September 23, 2021

Here in Germany, people of different faiths are coming together for Faiths 4 Climate Justice.

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My name is Caroline Bader. I am a GreenFaith organizer based in Karlsruhe, Germany - right on the edge of the beautiful Black Forest.

Join me for the final Faiths 4 Climate Justice training call on 30 September.

Here in Germany, people of different faiths are coming together for Faiths 4 Climate Justice. Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, and Jews are forming a grassroots community. This kind of work is new here. It’s amazing to watch it grow!

We are people of faith and spirit who deeply care about the environment. We are supporting each other in forming Circles; working locally and thinking globally.

We all know how serious the situation is.

While our government has taken important steps forward on climate change, more and faster progress is needed. Coal is still our second largest source of electricity. Since the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, Deutsche Bank has lent more than $70 billion to fossil fuel companies. We are still among the top 10 highest emitting countries. This is not acceptable or sustainable.

That is why this Friday, I will attend a climate strike together with my parish members.

That is why this Sunday, I will vote in our national election - for the party that has the strongest climate change plan. The party is led by a woman - the only woman among the three candidates. I am so proud about this. All of our governments must do more.

That is why on October 17 and 18, I will join faith actors across the globe in Faiths 4 Climate Justice.

Yes, I will vote. Yes, I will march. Yes, I put my faith into action on climate change.

Join me for our final Faiths 4 Climate Justice Training call.

Let me be clear: climate change wouldn’t be this high on the agenda without civil society and social movements marching the streets and changing public awareness.

Our solidarity matters. Together is the only way we can accomplish what’s needed. That’s why our German GreenFaith community is organizing actions on October 17-18.  

Let’s come together on September 30 to plan together to make Faiths 4 Climate Justice a moral powerhouse. Register now.

See you there,

Caroline Bader, GreenFaith Germany

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