Friday, October 7, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Upcoming Events, Past Webinar Recordings Available, Contribute an Advent Devotional

October 13 Webinar:  
Our Angry Eden

Faith & Hope on a Hotter, Harsher Planet
Rising winds, ravenous wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, floods: the world we will pass on is different than the one we inherited.  During this Zoom event, Rev. David Williams will be discussing his book OUR ANGRY EDEN, which spells out how we will be morally tested on this harsher, hotter planet we have made for ourselves. As temperatures move inexorably upward, living with our angry Eden will mean sustained difficulty and disruption. Williams beckons readers toward a faith and a purpose resilient enough to face the effects of the unfolding climate crisis. From altering our diets to welcoming refugees to reclaiming humble lifestyles, he offers eight specific moral frameworks that rise from the fierce demands of Jesus, which will help incarnate hope in the middle of catastrophic new realities. For a gospel people, the practices of wisdom and thrift, patience and generosity, welcome and mercy, grace and justice have always been essential and will be key to human thriving in the difficult age to come.

Please join us! Everyone is welcome to attend this webinar, whether or not they have read the book.


Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm Eastern (4:00 pm Pacific)

Click Here to Register

Promote Creation Care with Your Advent Devotional

Let Heaven and Nature Sing!
For the 2022 Advent season, Presbyterians for Earth Care will provide a free daily devotional based on lectionary readings.  
Please consider writing a brief meditation. This year we are emphasizing personal and congregational actions with the theme “Let Heaven and Nature Sing!” The format for each page is a suggested scripture from the lectionary readings, a brief meditation, a simple one or two sentence prayer, and a one-sentence suggested action item. To save space, we simply need the biblical reference; the text itself does not need to be printed out (it will be linked to on the online version of the devotional).
Click here to sign up no later than October 10.
Personal stories related to creation care and preparing for Christmas are welcome.

Advent and creation care related hymns can be quoted, ideally from the Presbyterian Hymnal and Glory to God.  See also Creation Care in Glory to God article and online New Hymns on Creation Care by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette   
You may find inspiration from last year’s PEC Advent Devotionals (download HERE).
Your meditation should be about 250-300 words to fit on a half-sheet of paper (5 1/2” x 8 1/2”) with a half inch margin on all sides. PEC will make it available online in a format that your local church can print and share.  Your contribution is needed by Tuesday, November 1, at the latest for it to be included in the booklet.

We would also welcome original artwork (with permission to use) that reproduces well in black and white for this devotional booklet. Children's drawings would be appreciated for this national publication, as well as your photograph with a verse.

Please contact us with any questions at or  
Remember to sign up HERE by October 10 and submit your devotional by November 1.
Thank you for your help. Your participation will enrich the Advent season for others and benefit God’s perfect creation. 

Let Heaven and Nature Sing!
Recordings Now Available
In Deep Waters: Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis
September 27, 2022
Presenter: The Rev. Talitha Amadea Aho
Click Here for Recording

Autumnal Equinox Devotion Service
September 22,2022
Led by The Rev. Dr. Susan Gilbert Zencka
Click Here for Recording

Please share these recordings with your family, friends, and congregation.

Upcoming Events

The Food Week of Action and World Food Day are coming!

Join 90+ groups from around the U.S. and overseas in calling for an end to hunger and for food sovereignty!

The Global Food Week of Action – October 10-17 – includes World Food Day (Oct. 16), the International Day for Rural Women (Oct. 15), and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (Oct. 17).

We envision a world where everyone has enough affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food where no one is hungry, and where all who work in the food chain are fairly compensated, respected and celebrated. Together we are building a more equitable and sustainable food system in our communities and everywhere.

People and Planet First is the theme of the 2022 Food Week of Action. ‘People and Planet First’ means prioritizing family farmers, fishers and others producing agroecologically – in harmony with nature – and working toward food sovereignty. As communities continue to face the pandemic and vulnerable food chains, we realize the necessity of building resilient agricultural systems that protect and cool the planet and put farmers, workers and eaters first. This year’s Food Week will highlight groups and initiatives that are building equitable and sustainable food systems, while also tackling the economic and racial drivers of hunger, poverty, and oppression.

Find an event or action near you on the Food Week map and join one of the virtual Food Week of Action events.

PEC WEBINARS - Save the Dates!

Nov. 3th - Earth Care Congregations
Presenter: Jessica Maudlin, PCUSA Hunger Program

Nov. 15th - Do it All for the Glory of God: Eating for a Healthy Climate
Presenter: Suzanne Jones, Montclair Presbyterian Church
Can we help you and/or your church care for creation?  
Help us grow! Please let us know if  there is anyone we should add to our list!
Email us at

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC on our secure website for donations.
Presbyterians for Earth Care is a national eco-justice network that cares for God’s creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring Presbyterians to make creation care a central concern of the church.
Copyright © 2022 Presbyterians for Earth Care, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member of Presbyterians for Earth Care, or because you opted to join our email list.

Our mailing address is:
Presbyterians for Earth Care
P.O. Box 3851
Allentown, PA 18106

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