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(สำหรับภาษาไทย คลิกที่นี่) A&W uses eggs in a number of their products, such as their waffles. With the growing awareness towards animal welfare and food safety standards among Thai and Indonesian consumers, it would be great if A&W could assure their customers of animal welfare and food safety standards by announcing the commitment to stop sourcing eggs from farms that keep hens in battery cages. Battery cages are small cages commonly used in the Thailand and Indonesian egg industry. This system is harmful for humans and hens. Major studies conducted in the European Union reveal that the risk of salmonella contamination in cage farms is significantly higher than in cage-free farms. According to the World Health Organization, one of the most prevalent types of salmonella "is estimated to cause 93.8 million cases of acute gastroenteritis and 155,000 deaths globally each year, approximately 85% of which are estimated to be foodborne." Hens suffer immensely in battery cages. A hen who spends her life in a battery cage has to share the cell with 4–5 other hens, so she gets a space smaller than an A4 paper to live. She will spend her entire life standing on the wire cage floor with her bare feet, barely able to spread her wings, let alone walk around to exercise. Her body might get caught in the metal cage, leaving her with painful injuries and feather loss. She has to endure this life simply because she was born a hen, which is not something she chose. What has she done to deserve this? A&W already knows battery cages are outdated and cruel. This is why it has already announced its commitment to stop sourcing eggs from cage farms for the entire supply chain in Canada. We invite A&W to extend its commitment to the supply chain in Thailand and Indonesia as well. Can you help us help hens? Let’s ask A&W to be kinder to animals by announcing its commitment to stop sourcing eggs from farms that keep hens in cages. Sign this petition and share it on your social media accounts! | |||||||||||||||
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In this blog, we'll look at how men and women at serving Jesus Christ both at home and abroad. We'll focus on how God is using their work to transform the lives of people all over the world.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Change.org - A&W
Change.org - Euthanizing healthy animals?
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(1) STOP the DAILY euthanizing of young, healthy, and adoptable dogs at Riverside County Animal Services / Shelters. Many of the dogs at Riverside shelters are not given a fair chance to be seen before being euthanized. Dogs under 3 years of age with zero medical issues are being killed consistently at the shelter. Dogs with medical issues and/or seniors have an even slimmer chance of making it out of this shelter alive. Riverside County Animal Shelter hours are limited to 1pm - 3:30pm Monday - Saturday (closed Sundays) : giving an extremely small window of time for adopters and rescuers to pick up the dogs. RIVERSIDE COUNTY OUTCOME STATS (2021 Year to date): 2021 OUTCOME STATS RIVERSIDE COUNTY OUTCOME STATS (2020): 2020 OUTCOME STATS All stats can be found on Riverside County Animal Shelter website: https://rcdas.org/index.php/about-us/statistics RIVERSIDE COUNTY BUDGET: (pgs 247 - 253 Animal Services is under "Public Safety") Animals Services accounts for 1.5% of the Public Safety Budget: $23,423,264 67% of budget is for Employee Salaries + Benefits: $15,764,047 which is with a 24% Staff Reduction (223 to 170) from previous FY 2019/20 budget for Services and Supplies: $9,164,267 All Riverside County budget info: https://rivco.org/about-county/budget-and-financial-information Riverside Animal shelter is overcrowded but there are always alternatives to euthanasia! Funding needs to be raised to help move these dogs from Riverside and re-located to the no-kill, empty shelters in other areas of the U.S. and Canada. Let’s use the pledge money for all euthanized dogs to start a fundraiser to help save current and future dogs at Riverside Animal Shelter! (2) TERMINATE Julie Bank as Director Julie Bank has a long history and record of excessively euthanizing animals at all of the shelters she has been in charge of. PUBLIC RECORD (taken from a previous petition to get her terminated during her NY Director term in 2012): Director of Education For ten years, Bank worked for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for animals in New York City in shelter operations and adoptions. She served as their national director for their humane education programs. It might be useful to review the number of animals euthanized while under the care of the ASPCA. Director of Public Programs After two years at AHS, Bank took the position of Deputy Director for Maricopa County Animal Care and Control, also in Arizona (2002-2006). There she managed public programs and their development. She also directed MCACC’s fund raising, PR, marketing, education, and volunteer and public programs. Deputy Director In 2006, Bank accepted the position of Executive Director at the North County Humane Society and SPCA in San Luis Obispo County, CA. During Bank’s tenure as NCHS Executive Director, the San Diego Humane Society assumed the control and management of the NCHS shelter, renaming it SDHS—North Campus. Bank was still there. Of greater interest is one crucial fact: The criteria SDHS used to rate an animal’s medical status is more harsh than the one NCHS had used. Under the new SDHS guidelines animals that NCHS would have rated as treatable and/or manageable would now be destroyed. Bank raised no objection. In his article, “ASPCA Chief’s Tenure Marked By Unconscionable Policies,” Nathan J. Winograd offers a number of startling revelations about what happened during Julie Bank’s tenure as Executive Director of NCHS. He reports that, “During the [Maricopa County Animal Control Director] Boks–Bank’s tenure, Maricopa County described itself as a national model for Animal Care & Control. Bank was not only part of executive team running the agency and making policy decisions, but she was responsible for selling it publicly, both locally and nationally, as its chief public information officer. Despite claiming to be “near No Kill,” the agency managed to reduce killing only about 10% over the Boks-Bank’s tenure together, declines exceeded by communities without a No Kill ambition. In the end, Maricopa still killed half of all animals, nearly 30,000 per year, never doing any better than the national average. But you wouldn’t know that from the public relations propaganda put out by Bank and her team at the time, which dishonestly claimed they were making tremendous progress and leading the agency toward a No Kill Maricopa County. Indeed, Maricopa County is nowhere near No Kill even today. “ “In addition,” Winograd reports that, Here’s what one article discussing Bank’s record at Maricopa has to say: “Under [Ed Bok’s, Director--] tenure, the Maricopa pound slaughtered tens of thousands of animals a year, opened up a $600,000 a year structural deficit, and forced the agency into receivership. Volunteers were forced to walk dogs with ropes because the agency was not allowed to buy leashes, even while Bank was telling anyone who would listen that they were the most progressive adoption agency in the nation and on the verge of achieving No Kill (they never did better than a 50% save rate, less than the national average).” Executive Director Executive Director In April of 2010, Julie Bank was hired by the city of New York as Director of NYC Animal Care & Control. Since she took over the shelter operations, more dogs and cats were being killed then ever before. Between the 5 boroughs of Manhattan on a low average there are about 30 dogs killed nightly, and they are killed 7days a week, Thats at least a 210 dogs a week. Most of the dogs coming into the shelter system in New York are pit bulls. More then 60% of the dogs that come through the doors are adoptable. Superintendant Animal Welfare President and CEO Pasadena Humane Society CEO Julie Bank on Friday resigned suddenly from the job she held for two years. Bank declined to discuss the reasons behind her quick exit when reached by phone. She’s being replaced on an interim basis by Ruthie Hughes, the vice president of administration. Director Riverside County, California, United States "Leader of animal care and control functions for the County of Riverside. Responsible for a team of 200. Oversee all administration, operations, communications, fundraising, and planning. Oversight of four facilities. Develop intensive, ambitious business strategies, short-term goals, and long-term objectives." - taken from LinkedIn (3) NEXT STEPS would be to raise FUNDS to help transport these dogs to less crowded no-kill shelters. Will share a GoFund me once we can get this spread and determine a safe location to potentially send these dogs to. PLEASE SHARE!
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Tell Your Senator to Support the Freedom to Vote Act
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We need your imaginative power!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Change.org - Stop deporting Haitians
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Black asylum-seekers have been seeking asylum in the U.S. by way of the U.S./Mexico border for over a decade. There was a dramatic increase in the number of Black asylum-seekers at the border – primarily Haitians – after the devastating earthquake in 2010. Thousands of Haitians fled their country and sought refuge in countries throughout the region, including Brazil, Venezuela, and Chile whose governments at that time were open to receiving them. Dire political and resultant economic changes in those countries have forced Haitians who had escaped there to move again. This time, they head toward the U.S. Once again, thousands of Haitians were on the move, traveling through ten countries and eleven borders to seek asylum in the U.S. By 2019, African asylum-seekers joined the movement of Haitian and indigenous asylum-seekers in making the treacherous journey through jungles, rivers, and along the way experiencing police violence, detention prisons, rape and robbery. Despite the desperate needs of Black asylum-seekers at the border, U.S. policy has systematically prevented Black asylum-seekers at the border from seeking asylum in the U.S., a violation of universally-embraced human rights practices, as well as U.S. and international asylum laws. Black asylum-seekers have been forced to wait several months to make their asylum claims because of an Obama administration policy called metering, which requires asylum-seekers to ‘take a number’ and wait until Customs and Border Patrol selects their assigned number. On September 3, 2021, a federal district judge ruled metering as unconstitutional. The Trump administration worsened conditions with its shutdown of the border to asylum-seekers under Title 42 – a program that has continued under the Biden administration. On September 16th, a federal judge ordered the Biden administration to stop using Title 42 to expel families who are seeking asylum. Instead of processing Black asylum-seekers, the Biden administration is deporting them in a betrayal of its promise to create fair and humane border policy. Today’s Crisis: The Biden administration is forcibly returning to Haiti over 10,000 Haitians Almost 10,000 migrants from Haiti and elsewhere are currently camped under a bridge that divides the U.S. and Mexico in Del Rio, Texas. Media is reporting that 20,000 more are expected in the coming days. The migrants are living in squalid conditions while Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) claim not to have the capacity to process asylum in a timely manner for these people in crisis. The Biden administration has decided to respond to the crisis with “mass deportations” of Haitians in Del Rio, Texas beginning Sunday, September 19th, in spite of the devastation and humanitarian crisis in Haiti. We call on the Biden administration and DHS to immediately halt expulsions to Haiti due to the ongoing political, climate, and public health crisis there. Over the weekend, border patrol agents on horseback whipped and beat up Haitian asylum seekers forcing them away from crossing into the US border.
Call to Action President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas MUST grant immediate humanitarian parole to all Black asylum-seekers at the border, and allow them to process their asylum claims on the U.S. side of the border. Immediately Stop Expelling and Deporting Haitian and Other Black Asylum-Seekers President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas MUST stop expelling and deporting Haitian and other Black asylum-seekers. Asylum-seekers have the human rights and the right under U.S. and international law to seek asylum in the U.S. The U.S. is violating those rights when it expels and deports asylum-seekers. Immediately Revoke Title 42 President Biden MUST reject and revoke the Title 42 order that prevents asylum-seekers from making their asylum claims. During the Trump administration, Democrats – including then-candidate Biden – harshly criticized Title 42 as a racist ruse designed to keep Black and indigenous asylum-seekers from making their claims to asylum in the US. Yet, the Biden administration has not ended Title 42; it has renewed it and continues to appeal federal courts that have found Title 42 unconstitutional. Immediately End the Metering System Used to Process Asylum-Seekers at the U.S./Mexico Border We urge President Biden to immediately end the use of a metering system to process asylum-seekers at the border. The metering system disproportionately impacts Black migrants and has resulted in Black asylum-seekers languishing at the border for several months and even years. Biden MUST honor international law The principle of non-refoulement under international human rights law forbids a country that is receiving asylum seekers, in this case the U.S., from sending people back to the country that they are fleeing. According to the United Nations: “Under international human rights law, the principle of non-refoulement guarantees that no one should be re- turned to a country where they would face torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and other irreparable harm.” | |||||||||||||||
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