Saturday, December 5, 2020

Tell Mitch to support aid to Americans

SojoAction Alert

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rampage through our communities. On Wednesday we set two disturbing records: more than 200,000 new coronavirus infections reported nationwide and 100,000 patients hospitalized in just one day. To add to this, a quarter of adults in the U.S. are experiencing food insecurity.

It’s been nine months since Congress provided any aid so our communities can heal and continue to meet basic needs. A team of bipartisan lawmakers finally put forward a $908 billion relief framework. Mitch McConnell has the power to make this plan go forward. 

Tell Mitch to support aid to Americans

The proposal would provide unemployment relief, support to small businesses, aid to state and local governments, and support for vaccination distribution along with other critical aid for educational and agricultural needs.

No bipartisan, bicameral agreement for aid has come in the past nine months. Our communities can’t wait any longer! Mitch McConnell has the power to bring this framework to the floor.

Time is running out for any form of relief this year to save lives and make it easier on the next administration to continue addressing critical pandemic impacts. While this package is only a start, the help is needed immediately. It’s time to stop negotiating with the health of our neighbors!

Mitch, get behind this bipartisan effort!

Mitch, get behind this bipartisan effort!


Adam Taylor
President, Sojourners

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