Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Resources and New Groups for Reflecting during Advent

Abolitionist Advent
We are excited to share with you a project of a partnership between FOR USA, More Light Presbyterians, and PPF that will provide weekly reflections and podcasts to accompany us on a path towards a world beyond punitive criminalization - a world of abundance, transformation, and true freedom.

Join us this Advent season as we journey into understanding and faithful action to abolish the systems that destroy life and to build a future that is just, compassionate and free. New content will be posted Tuesdays and Thursdays at www.abolitionistadvent.com.

We give thanks to thought-partners Rev. Lindsay Anderson, Myles Markham, Minister Candace Simpson, and Rev. Annanda Barclay (and to Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt for her leadership in the group).

Read the first post about what abolition is and exploring shifts in ourselves and our understandings through Mark 13:24-37.

Join A Praxis Circle
PPF Praxis Circle, launching the week of January 25, will bring together small groups of people to learn and practice together, continuing to reflect even as we take action. Circles will meet for an hour weekly for 8 weeks. Sign up here.

The groups will use the PPF Abolition Reader, a collection of articles and essays on abolition, dismantling white supremacy, transformative justice, and related topics -- sprinkled with bite-size action items that will invite each participant to move deeper into their practice of antiracism.

Multiple group times will be available; scheduling for specific times will take place in the first week of January. The deadline to register is January 8th. Please email alison@presbypeacefellowship.org with any questions or register now.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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