Monday, December 14, 2020

Counter hate speech, thank your state’s top election official

SojoAction Alert

President Trump's refusal to accept defeat incites right-wing extremists to hate speech and threats of violence--now against public servants who oversaw our election. This week a top election official in Michigan was hanging Christmas decorations with her son while armed vigilantes gathered outside their home.1 The people who safeguard our electoral process and protect our democracy should be praised, not persecuted. Tell our election officials we stand with them. Tweet your thanks to your state’s top election official.

Take Action

In this divisive climate, we must all become civilian peacekeepers. Violent rhetoric creates the context for “lone wolf” physical violence. Hate speech and physical threats to election officials have no place in a healthy democracy. Thank your state’s top election official for their impartial commitment to a free, fair, and safe election!

Take Action

Thank you for raising your voice for justice!

In peace,

Rose Marie Berger
Senior Associate Editor and Peace & Nonviolence Campaign Lead


1Reuters, Dec. 8, 2020. “Election officials face threats, intimidation as Trump pushes false fraud claims” by Brad Heath and Michael Martina. 

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