Sunday, December 27, 2020

Proud Boys march

Since October, the Proud Boys and their allies have marched through Oregon three times. They have been armed and intoxicated, causing chaos and making death threats against the Governor. Now they are planning another march for New Year’s Day. Petition starter Jim and his community are calling on the local police to enforce the law. Sign now to prevent this hateful rally from rampaging their neighborhood.

Stop the "Mass Civil Disobedience" in Salem on New Years Day

2,406 have signed Jim Scheppke’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

Sign now with a click

Oregon Women for Trump and their allies, the Proud Boys, have announced a "Mass Civil Disobedience" rally and march to the Governor’s Mansion in Salem on New Years Day. This will be the 4th time since October that armed, drunken, menacing marchers from all over Oregon have rampaged through a peaceful Salem neighborhood, shouting obscenities and threatening our Governor.

This activity is not peaceful protest. It is not an exercise of 1st Amendment rights. It is illegal. The Salem Revised Code does not allow street marches without a permit and violators can be fined. The Salem Revised Code does not allow "menacing" defined as "placing another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury." Menacing is a misdemeanor.

The last three times these illegal marches have occurred, the Salem Police Department has done nothing to enforce the law and keep the peace in our neighborhoods. Children have had to hear chants of "F*ck Kate Brown" and armed Proud Boys and their allies have made death threats ("We are comin’ for ya") outside of the Governor’s residence. We’ve been menaced. We’ve been terrorized.

We refuse to see this happen for the 4th time. We demand that the Salem Police Department enforce the law and prevent any "mass civil disobedience" in our neighborhood. City Manager Steve Powers: It’s not good enough for you to tell us that "we tried" to stop this. Stop it. Do your job. Enforce the law. Chief Womack: This is your opportunity to show that you and the SPD are on our side and that you will do your job and not allow Salem families and children to be victimized again.

We deserve to be able to celebrate the New Year with our children and families without armed, drunken, menacing outsiders rampaging through our neighborhood. And the hundreds who have signed our petition agree. Manager Powers and Chief Womack, do your job and enforce the law!

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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