Saturday, December 19, 2020 - 9-year-old faced expulsion

Like many kids across the country, 9-year-old Ka’Mauri has been doing school online, from his bedroom. While he was doing a test, his teacher saw a BB gun in his room. That evening, police searched his house and he was facing expulsion, as though he had brought a gun to school. He ended up being suspended for 3 days. And now the school board is refusing to remove the suspension from his record. Thousands are outraged. Add your name now to help get this suspension off his record.

Justice for a young man unfairly suspended while at home on a virtual class

12,491 have signed Steven Alexander’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!

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The suspension for this young man should be completely removed and expunged from his record. He’s only a boy and should not be held to the same legal standard as an adult. Furthermore, the punishment is egregious and will likely follow him his entire life unless it is removed. Common sense should prevail in this case, not harsh punishment in order that adults may make a ’political statement’ at his expense.


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