Wednesday, December 2, 2020 - Ban Conversion therapy

Conversion therapy is an attempt to change the gender identity or sexual orientation of an individual. It can include damaging practices like shock therapy or forced vomiting. Rebecca wants Pennsylvania to ban this dangerous practice. There is a bill in the House Health Committee that has been inactive since 2019. Sign to urge the House to reintroduce the bill and protect LGBTQ youth.

Ban Conversion Therapy in Pennsylvania!

876 have signed Rebecca Robinson’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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Conversion therapy is an attempt by one individual to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of another individual, in this case, of a minor. Conversion therapy, and other forms of discrimination against LGBTQ+ children and adolescents have been linked to adverse health outcomes, including higher rates of bullying, depression, and suicide. The proposed policy would ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide from mental health professionals with youth under age 18.

o   Approximately 700,000 adults in the US have gone through conversion therapy, half of them as teens. 

o   LGBT youth are 8 times more likely than their peers to attempt suicide (Human Rights Campaign).

o   16,000+ US children will go through conversion therapy from a mental health professional by age 18 (UCLA School of Law).

o   Conversion therapy can involve extremely traumatic practices, such as shock therapy or medically induced vomiting.

HB1293 has been passed off to the House Health Committee in April 2019, where no action has been taken. Please take the time to contact your local representatives. Encourage them to support this bill and have it reintroduced in the 2021-2022 legislative session. 

Sign this petition to ask members of the Pennsylvania House to reintroduce this bill and ensure they are passed in the next legislative session. 

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Visit petition page

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