Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Justice Unbowed through Relationships Nurtured.

For a child has been born for us...and is named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Parent, Prince of Peace.

There is no peace without justice. We believe God’s justice must be achieved, as More Light Board member Bruce Reyes-Chow says, “through relationships that need to be nurtured.” Our ministry is highly relational, and through each conversation, each relationship built, we are able to move that much closer to God’s justice that begins with Immanuel, God with us.

If you haven’t already, give now to fuel our small but mighty team that holds countless relationships that need nurturing, all towards the goal of God’s justice. Our ministry unfolds through relationships with parents, teens, pastors, executive presbyters, stated clerks, committee leaders, Sessions and more. 

For a child has been born for us...through this child, we find our call towards justice unbowed, for LGBTQIA+ folks, and for those we love and who love us.


"More Light Presbyterians is working for a world of justice. God beckons us forth into this world of justice "

—  Bruce Reyes-Chow 

Guess what?! We are 87% of our way towards our stretch goal of $50,000. Everything now goes towards More Light’s new virtual home in 2021 -- a new website! Give now!

You can also give by texting LOVEMLP to 72572.

Until the day when God’s glory fills the earth and restores God’s vision of peace and harmony, More Light will always be needed.


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