Monday, December 14, 2020

Do you know what moral power looks like?

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When we use our moral power together, we can create a just and compassionate world.

This year, that’s exactly what we did. Here’s an example.

GreenFaith Circles are our local religiously-based action hubs - they’re springing up around the globe. One of our Circles is in northern New Jersey. This past year, that state’s governor committed to 100% clean energy for the state - and at the same time advanced plans to license several new fossil fuel plants - including one in their backyard. We know, and our Circle knew, that a sustainable future means no new fossil fuel plants.

When they learned about this climate threat, GreenFaith’s Central Bergen Circle, with members from over 10 congregations, jumped into action. Joining with a diverse coalition of allies, Circle members educated their congregations about the dangers posed by the proposed nearby plant. They spoke out at public hearings. Braved heckling in the middle of their testimonies as municipal officials sat passively by. Took part in demonstrations. Wrote letters to the editor.

When their efforts weren’t successful at first, Circle representatives took it up a notch. They joined colleagues and bird-dogged the governor, showing up on the rope line at his public events to remind him that people of faith wanted nothing to do with new fossil fuel infrastructure. Joined by environmental partners, GreenFaith Circle leaders projected a powerful moral voice as part of the coalition working for a truly sustainable future.

This past October 2020, the state called off plans for the fossil fuel plant, announcing new plans for a massive renewable energy battery storage facility to help power the state’s public transit with clean energy!

This is what moral power looks like, and it's exactly what your support makes possible. We are so grateful for you, and we’re asking you to continue to empower us to create change for the better.

In solidarity -

Rev. Fletcher Harper

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