Monday, December 7, 2020 - Wrongfully convicted

In 1993 at age 19, Orlando Watley from the Chickasaw Nation, was convicted of crimes he did not commit. He has been incarcerated for over 25 years, and is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Petition starter Ruud says that DNA evidence used was falsified and must be re-examined. Orlando has always maintained his innocence. Rudd is asking for your help to “overturn this miscarriage of justice.” Add your name now to help get Orlando back to his family and community.

Orlando Watley is innocent. Exonerate and send him home.

4,196 have signed Ruud Arreola’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

Sign now with a click

Dear Governor Newsom,

We are asking that you support Orlando Watley in his fight for exoneration so that he can be granted a new trial after being wrongfully incarcerated for the past twenty-seven years for a crime he did not commit. Mr. Watley is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole and we need your support to overturn this miscarriage of justice that the legal system has carried out against this man.

The DNA evidence used to secure Mr. Watley’s conviction must be revisited by both legal and forensic experts and reexamined with the rigors of modern technology and forensic analysis so that Orlando Watley can be granted a new trial and his wrongful conviction can be overturned restoring him to his family, community, and the Chickasaw Nation.

We are in need of support from Governor Gavin Newsom and the public to bring awareness to this injustice.

We ask that you please sign this petition to gain the attention & support of the entire globe to free Orlando Watley.

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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