Monday, December 14, 2020

Join Us December 20 for a Virtual Service

Service of Lament and Hope
As peacemakers we are challenged with seeking systemic change and giving witness to Jesus’ peaceful resistance to empire. In these long nights of winter we feel the weight of the world more profoundly, leaving us to ask: how long must we wait O God? This year has been full of long, dark nights. As we journey through the season of Advent, trudging or sprinting toward Christmas morning, there is space for lament. You are invited to gather for worship as we name the laments of this year and seek hope found in God. 
Join us on Sunday, December 20 at 7:00 PM Eastern for a virtual service. Register here. The email confirmation you receive after registering will give you details about preparing for and attending the Service of Lament and Hope. 

We Can All Do Something
In this Abolitionist Advent, we are in a time of apocalyptic imagination. Imagine the end of policing in all its forms. Imagine your community is one where community-led safety is centered around the thriving of Black and Brown lives, centered around queer lives, undocumented lives, and disabled lives. Imagine your community is one where everyone is cared for and has enough to care well for those they love. We know that a different way is possible when we all play our part in bringing our imaginings into real life. 
This week, we invite you to watch a short video and then consider and answer three short questions. Your anonymous answers will be shared at a later date as part of our collective imagination to what our would could look like if abolition was a reality.

Abolitionist Bible Study
Every week during Advent, Abolitionist Advent explores one of the lectionary texts for the week through the lens of abolition.

In the first week, Minister Candace Simpson and Rev. Alex McNeill considered how Mark 13:24-37 can help us shift our lives into practicing abolition.
This week, Mariana Thomas and Rev. Alex McNeill considered how 2 Peter 3:8-15a can help us unveil new things in our abolition journey.

On December 15 at 3:30 PM Eastern, Rev. Alex McNeill and Chrissy Stonebraker-Martinez will discuss 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 through the theme of examining.

Continue to visit for new content throughout Advent. These bible study videos can be found in the Podcast tab.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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