Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Thought from the Word

A brief thought based on John 14:1-3 - “Jesus said to his disciples, 'Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.'”

A Very GreenFaith New Year's Eve Party

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2020 was incredibly hard. We all felt it.

But 2021 brings fresh possibilities for tackling challenges - including climate change.

We’re so excited for what’s next, and we want to hear from you!  

Our Executive Director, The Rev. Fletcher Harper will host a live, 45-minute New Year’s conversation on December 31 at 3PM ET. Join us!

Come with your toughest questions, your deepest thoughts, your best ideas…

We are here for it.

All of it.  

Bring your goofy hats, noisemakers, and funny signs, and most importantly, your hopeful spirit for 2021.

Click and register for our Zoom partyand submit your climate change ideas and questions in advance hereYou'll hear from Fletcher about GreenFaith's new strategic focus and how we plan to make a big impact in 2021!

See you there!

The GreenFaith Team

P.S. - This week is an incredibly important fundraising week and we hope you'll support our work generously.

Churches, Denominations and Religions: Breaking News: 6th Episcopal District Voter Outreach Efforts Featured on CNN

Churches, Denominations and Religions: Breaking News: 6th Episcopal District Voter Outreach Efforts Featured on CNN: TCR Breaking News: 6th Episcopal District Voter Outreach Featured on CNN Click here for the video associated with the article (CNN) Rev. Jos...

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Justice Unbowed through Relationships Nurtured.

For a child has been born for us...and is named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Parent, Prince of Peace.

There is no peace without justice. We believe God’s justice must be achieved, as More Light Board member Bruce Reyes-Chow says, “through relationships that need to be nurtured.” Our ministry is highly relational, and through each conversation, each relationship built, we are able to move that much closer to God’s justice that begins with Immanuel, God with us.

If you haven’t already, give now to fuel our small but mighty team that holds countless relationships that need nurturing, all towards the goal of God’s justice. Our ministry unfolds through relationships with parents, teens, pastors, executive presbyters, stated clerks, committee leaders, Sessions and more. 

For a child has been born for us...through this child, we find our call towards justice unbowed, for LGBTQIA+ folks, and for those we love and who love us.


"More Light Presbyterians is working for a world of justice. God beckons us forth into this world of justice "

—  Bruce Reyes-Chow 

Guess what?! We are 87% of our way towards our stretch goal of $50,000. Everything now goes towards More Light’s new virtual home in 2021 -- a new website! Give now!

You can also give by texting LOVEMLP to 72572.

Until the day when God’s glory fills the earth and restores God’s vision of peace and harmony, More Light will always be needed. - Tom Brady

World famous quarterback, Tom Brady, owns his own sports performance company: TB12. In April, TB12 got a $960,855 PPP loan that was meant to help small businesses. Petition starter Dillon thinks that this is outrageous. While Tom Brady makes millions in the NFL, small businesses have had to close their doors forever because they couldn’t afford to pay the bills. Dillon wants Tom to pay back the loan or to donate an equal amount to small businesses. Greed has no place in a global pandemic. Add your name now.

Tom Brady should pay back his small business loan

1,737 have signed Dillon McMahon’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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The TB12 company, owned by Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady, received $960,855 in PPP loans that were meant to help small businesses. Tom Brady signed a deal in May worth $50 million. With this new contract, when combined with his earnings from his NFL contracts alone, he has made around $260 million over his 21 year career. Tom Brady is also married to Gisele Bunchen, who has a net worth of $400 million. 

I am not here to make the argument saying that Tom Brady does not deserve his NFL money, he earned it, so good for him. But by accepting this money, he is playing the government no better than any grifter would play a person on the street. My solution for him is that he should pay back this money or AT LEAST donate an equal amount of money to small businesses that would have received this money if his name did not get more attention. This is an issue that hits close to home for me as I’ve gone out of my way to help the small businesses near me and have seen so many fall by the wayside because they did not receive the help they needed. 

It is during times like these, the year 2020 as a whole, we see the true nature of people. The side we are seeing from this couple is one of pure greed and being completely out of touch with what the common American is going through at this time. 

Just standing around and lamenting on social media is not going to do anything, we need to band together and voice our concerns with how things are currently being done if we want change. Tom Brady needs to do what is right not just by my standards, but by the standards everyone holds; the people who should get help are the people who actually need help. Not the people who want to hoard and look down on others suffering. 

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At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?

Start a petition today

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Proud Boys march

Since October, the Proud Boys and their allies have marched through Oregon three times. They have been armed and intoxicated, causing chaos and making death threats against the Governor. Now they are planning another march for New Year’s Day. Petition starter Jim and his community are calling on the local police to enforce the law. Sign now to prevent this hateful rally from rampaging their neighborhood.

Stop the "Mass Civil Disobedience" in Salem on New Years Day

2,406 have signed Jim Scheppke’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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Oregon Women for Trump and their allies, the Proud Boys, have announced a "Mass Civil Disobedience" rally and march to the Governor’s Mansion in Salem on New Years Day. This will be the 4th time since October that armed, drunken, menacing marchers from all over Oregon have rampaged through a peaceful Salem neighborhood, shouting obscenities and threatening our Governor.

This activity is not peaceful protest. It is not an exercise of 1st Amendment rights. It is illegal. The Salem Revised Code does not allow street marches without a permit and violators can be fined. The Salem Revised Code does not allow "menacing" defined as "placing another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury." Menacing is a misdemeanor.

The last three times these illegal marches have occurred, the Salem Police Department has done nothing to enforce the law and keep the peace in our neighborhoods. Children have had to hear chants of "F*ck Kate Brown" and armed Proud Boys and their allies have made death threats ("We are comin’ for ya") outside of the Governor’s residence. We’ve been menaced. We’ve been terrorized.

We refuse to see this happen for the 4th time. We demand that the Salem Police Department enforce the law and prevent any "mass civil disobedience" in our neighborhood. City Manager Steve Powers: It’s not good enough for you to tell us that "we tried" to stop this. Stop it. Do your job. Enforce the law. Chief Womack: This is your opportunity to show that you and the SPD are on our side and that you will do your job and not allow Salem families and children to be victimized again.

We deserve to be able to celebrate the New Year with our children and families without armed, drunken, menacing outsiders rampaging through our neighborhood. And the hundreds who have signed our petition agree. Manager Powers and Chief Womack, do your job and enforce the law!

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At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?

Start a petition today - Deaf community

Bryan and his brother are huge football fans. Bryan thinks it’s unfair that his brother, who is deaf, doesn’t get the same experience from watching a game or clips online. “He deserves to enjoy the same things I get to,” Bryan writes. Bryan is calling on the National Football League to add closed-captioning to their programming. Sign now to help make NFL content more accessible.

Add Closed Captioning to all NFL Videos

882 have signed Bryan Hall’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

Sign now with a click

Honestly, I’m not expecting this to blow up or anything, but I decided to make a petition asking the NFL to add closed captioning to their videos.

I am a Child of Deaf Adults, also known as a "CODA." My whole family is deaf, meaning they cannot hear and communicate using sign language. The reason I am making this petition (and hoping it blows up) is on behalf of my younger brother. My younger brother is also deaf, and he always asks me, "What are they saying?" My brother and I are huge football fans, and while we love the game of football, we also enjoy watching clips and behind-the-scenes. As an individual who can hear, I enjoy watching the NFL Mic’d Up series or the SoundFX clips on YouTube and However, my brother does not get to enjoy these same clips, especially when they are promoted nationwide on social media outlets such as Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and so forth. 

After scanning the internet for hours and having no luck in finding videos of the "NFL Mic’d Up" with closed-captioning, I have decided to turn to to help the NFL become more inclusive with the Deaf Community. I tried finding an appropriate contact for the NFL, but I felt like my request would be --unironically-- unheard. The goal is to provide entertainment to football fans, but there is an entire community that is missing out. Now more than ever, there has been a bigger desire to provide equality and equity to individuals who cannot hear on the internet with big media outlets (like NowThisNews) providing closed captioning on their videos so EVERYONE can enjoy it.

My brother and I are huge football fans, and it hurts my heart to know that I can enjoy certain things while he can’t. For my entire life, I have never deemed myself as "better," and truthfully have never viewed my brother as "less" or allowing his disability to limit who he is as an individual. However, this is one area that I want to support him because he deserves to enjoy the same things I get to, and it’s truly an easy fix that the NFL can do to make their content more accessible for ALL. Even with YouTube’s text to speech option, it is not 100% accurate and I believe that the NFL could easily add closed-captioning to these clips, as well as potentially adding them to other content such as Fantasy Football or regular football clips.

Please sign this petition so I can present it to the NFL and provide my family, along with countless other deaf football fans, the benefit of enjoying the same content that I and millions of other football fans enjoy on a daily basis. The NFL is taking strides towards encouraging equality for all, and this goes hand-in-hand in supporting fans who are Deaf, and so my brother can continue to enjoy the same things I can.


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At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?

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WCC News: WCC publishes resource on legal tools for climate justice

The newly published resource "Hope for Children Through Climate Justice: Legal Tools to Hold Financiers Accountable" provides chur...