Thursday, January 26, 2023

Your Winter Edition of Earth News


Earth Action, Reflection, Theology and Hope

Practices for Earth Keeping
Refocusing Our Lifestyles to be in Communion with the Earth

"Our steps are made firm by the Lord when he delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand." Psalm 37: 23-24

"Think globally, act locally" is a common phrase in the environmental movement. With so much political opposition to countering climate change, acting locally is sometimes the only way I maintain my sanity. It's not always an easy task. I get lazy and drive my car when I could take my bike. I recycle, but I could make a better effort to buy products that come in refillable bottles, or in glass containers instead of plastic. I see an interesting PEC webinar, but decide to watch Netflix instead. There are so many little things I could be doing for the environment but don't.

We need to remind ourselves that none of us is a perfect environmentalist, just like none of us is a perfect Christian. (As if one even exists!). We must continue to strive and sometimes fail, and strive again. Mother Earth is counting on us.

In this issue of Earth News, we offer inspiration for small and big ways we can refocus our lifestyles to be gentler to the earth, and inspire change in others.

In faith and hope,

Eric Diekhans

Joy, Justice, and Yoga

A new faith community gathers in the Heartland to embrace justice and healing for creation.


Living the Car-Free Lifestyle

Lake View Presbyterian Church Choir Director Matt Walker grew up in the car-centric Detroit area. But when he moved to Chicago, he discovered the practical and spiritual benefits of going car-free.

Words of Wisdom

Journalist Carey Gillam has used the power of her writing to be an untiring advocate for environmental justice.


Breathing the Miraculous

Poetry by Nancy Corson Carter

In early morning, before sunrise,
the local train whistles me awake.
I turn over in bed for a few
quiet minutes before the alarm.
If only the astonishing golden light
of a tree I photographed yesterday
could be brushed, shimmering,
over us—a gentle daylight.

We are breathing
this season of autumn
in and out; it’s a later year
of our lives and sometimes
we feel mired in
slow passages deep with
darkening winter.

In early prayerfulness,
I dare to imagine:
Mary breathing with
the Christ Child growing
in her belly toward birth,
a radiance that will not
be overshadowed.

So I breathe golden leaves,
my dear one’s presence,
the day opening with the
train’s passing, and visions 
of tender light—best of all,
the Earth itself awakened 
by Mary’s Child breathing 
miraculous love 
into our hearts.

As the human population continues to grow, so does our impact on the environment. In fact, recent research has shown that three-quarters of Earth’s land surface is under pressure from human activity. In this short film, spoken word artist Prince Ea makes a powerful case for protecting the planet and challenges the human race to create a sustainable future.
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