Monday, January 23, 2023 Petition: Animal protection legislation - Help Pass the Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act

Help Pass the Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act

1,743 have signed Fable Pets’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

Sign now with a click

No creature should be subject to cruel and inhumane treatment. That’s why Fable Pets has started this petition asking for your support in backing the Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act HR1016.

This proposed legislation would give law enforcement the tools they need to crack down on those who abuse animals and hold them accountable for their actions. It would also provide much-needed funding for animal welfare organizations and shelters to help care for abused animals and find them loving homes.

The lack of enforcement for crimes against animals hurts all of us. There is a significant connection between animal cruelty and violence against humans, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, homicide, gang activity, drug trafficking, and other crimes.

This bill will allow for a dedicated animal crimes enforcement unit within the Department of Justice, allowing for prosecutions of animal crimes without delay.

With your support, we can make a real difference in the lives of animals. Please join me in signing up to show your support for the Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act.

Here’s how to take action:

  • Sign the petition
  • Call the office of the bill’s sponsor to voice your support: Representative Joe Neguse at (202) 225-2161
  • Call or email your local representative as well. You can find phone numbers and email at

Fable Pets encourages everyone who signs the petition to share the call to action on social media by tagging @fablepets and using the hashtags #EndAnimalCruelty and #FightWithFable. Those who share on social and tag will receive a DM with a 10% off code for a future Fable purchase.

Together, we can better enforce crimes against animals and move closer to a society where our animals are granted the rights they deserve.

Sign now with a click

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