Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Racial Equity & Women's Intercultural Ministries eNewsletter


As we begin the new year, we are thrilled to welcome the Rev. Shanea D. Leonard into the role of Director of Racial Equity and Women's Intercultural Ministries!  Rev. Leonard (they/them) has previously served as the national Coordinator for Gender and Racial Justice.  

Rev. Shanea D. Leonard - Director of Racial Equity and WOmen's Intercultural Ministries

They are ordained as a minister in the PC(USA), and serve as pastor, teacher, consultant, community activist, and modern-day abolitionist. A native of Philadelphia, they received their B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh and M.Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with a focus in urban ministry. Shanea has been serving communities and congregations in various capacities for over twenty years. They have worked extensively with local governments, social service agencies, universities, faith communities, and across international borders in a commitment to liberation for marginalized people. They are also the founder & former pastor of JUDAH Fellowship, which at its height was western Pennsylvania’s only predominantly Black-affirming faith community. 


Take a moment to read Rev. Leonard's reflection in light of the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day below.

Director's Message: A Reflection for MLK Day

Shanea D. Leonard (they/them)

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." - Letter from Birmingham, Alabama jail, April 16, 1963.

As we pause and reflect on the symbol of liberty, justice, and freedom that is tied to our celebration of the Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr., let us remember that there is still a very present fight even today for the embodiment of these ideals. We live in the shadow of Dr. King’s still yet unrealized dream where many still struggle to reach a reality of what it truly means to be free. Our Black and Brown siblings still face perpetual bigotry and racism every day. Iranian women are still persecuted for wanting equality and equity. Our trans and queer siblings are yet to experience complete protection under the law. Women still are not adequately compensated at the same rate as men. And the ever-present rise in hate crimes based on race, religion, and identity pepper our communities daily.

Introducing Samantha Davis!

Samantha Paige Davis (she/they)

Samantha Paige Davis (she/they) began serving as the Associate for Gender and Racial Justice in Racial Equity  and Women’s Intercultural Ministries in the Presbyterian Mission Agency on October 24. Samantha  is a Black Feminist, trainer, policy wonk, and story-teller working through an anti-oppressive framework. In the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin verdict; Samantha leaned into her life-long commitment to racial and gender justice and founded Black Swan Academy, to create a pipeline of Black youth civic leaders committed to transforming their communities. They have worked to create systemic change nationally with organizations such as YWCA USA and on the local level both in their hometown Pittsburgh and in  Washington, D.C where they currently reside. Samantha serves on the Self Development of People national committee of  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and was a member of the PC(USA) Black Women & Girls Advocacy Taskforce. They love nature, horseback riding, and musicals. We welcome Samantha to their new ministry and look forward to serving with them.

Samantha has already been at work organizing and educating around new resources on LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the church.

New Years Reflection: “Hope in the Lord”


By Rev. Princeton Abaraoha, Field Staff African Intercultural Ministries

When you read this, the new year must be upon us. As we all enter 2023, I do so with a profound sense of hope even as I am cognizant of the struggles and burdens of 2022.  

For many of us, myself included, I do not have the energy to embrace 2023 with any sense of confidence. I am entering the new year exhausted and worn out but with a feeling of hopeful anticipation. Probably that is the way you all feel, too.  

New Years Reflection: "A Beautiful Tapestry"

By Rev. Magdy Girgis, Associate for Middle Eastern Intercultural Congregational Support

I have the privilege to go around, like a free bird, to see God in action. I can see that God really is the sustainer and upholder of the world.


I could see a new worship community where the pastor and his wife, get in their cars, early on Sunday morning, and drive to the refugees' houses to bring them to the church for worship. After worship, the pastor takes his portion of the worshipers, as well as his wife, to drop them off at their homes again. In between, I can see the smiles on the faces of those who had to start their lives and practice their faith again in a new place and new culture.

New Years Reflection: “Embracing Kairos”

Moongil Cho 171205-PCUSA-REWM-021

By Rev. Moongil Cho, Associate for Korean Congregational Support

I pray for the grace and peace of the Lord as we begin another year of 2023. 
During the last 3 years of COVID-19 pandemic, humanity has had unprecedented experiences.

During the last 3 years of COVID-19 pandemic, humanity has had unprecedented experiences. We had to adapt to a new way of life that we were not used to at all, along with the pain of having to leave our loved ones and friends unexpectedly and other various kinds of pain in life. Through this time, however, we have reaffirmed a very important wisdom...

Coming Soon!


Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday will be celebrated on March 5, 2023. We will be sharing a liturgy resource as well as a reflection on Luke 1:45-56 called "Favorecida" by Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri.


Stay tuned for more to come!

woman standing with group of people holding sign fight poverty not the poor

Spreading the Vision of Matthew 25 across the Church

Accept the invitation to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy are contagious and at the center of everything we do.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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