Friday, January 20, 2023 Petition: 19-year-old to be executed? - STOP THE EXECUTION OF MAKAN DAVARI


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According to HRANA (Human Rights Activists News Agency), Ali (Makan) Davari, 19 years old was charged with ‘waging war against God’ (Moharebeh) after defending women’s rights in Iran.

The Iranian government has started executing Iranian protesters demanding basic freedoms and human rights. In the past month, two protesters, Mohsen Shekari and Majid Reza Rahnavard, were executed, and several more are at risk under absurd charges of ’waging war against God’ (Moharebeh). 

One of those on the verge of death is Ali (Makan) Davari, a 19-year-old from Langarud, a small city in the northern province of Gilan, Iran. He is currently imprisoned.

The only son of a single mother suffering from leukemia, Makan was arrested during the first week of the current uprising in Iran while returning home from gym. This happened when he encountered and tried to protect a group of women who were being assaulted by the regime’s plainclothes forces.

Human Rights activists inside Iran are reporting that his first trial took place on December 24th 2022, and he has been charged with ‘waging war against God’ (Moharebeh), the charge that carries the death penalty, among other vaguely defined national security charges. Similar to other cases where defendants were sentenced to death, Makan not only lacked access to independent lawyers, but also, given the history of those cases, he was very likely tortured or mistreated by authorities in detention in order to extract false confessions that fit the regime’s narrative.

We are looking at gathering enough signatures to bring the world’s attention to this atrocity and potentially stop Makan’s unjust and unlawful detention and looming execution. If we are going to play a role in saving Makan’s and other innocent prisoners’ lives, we are going to need hundreds of thousands of signatures.Join us to pressure global powers to raise their voices for these people, unfairly facing a sentence of death.

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