Sunday, January 15, 2023

Request Your 2023 Global Prayer Guide

The Voice of the Martyrsview as web page
2023 Global Prayer Guide opened to Algeria page

A Guide to Help You Pray for Persecuted Christians
Praying for persecuted Christians in hostile areas and restricted nations is a special privilege. It strengthens and encourages them, and it changes us. But how can we know their needs?

The 2023 Global Prayer Guide is a tool to help you pray more specifically for persecuted Christians. It provides information to help you understand the context in which our brothers and sisters live out their faith. For each of the restricted nations and hostile areas where VOM serves, this full-color prayer guide includes

  • an overview of the area or nation
  • a summary of the major religions
  • information about the primary persecutor(s)
  • what it means to follow Christ there
  • information about Bible access
  • highlights of VOM’s work there

The guide also includes a map showing the restricted nations and hostile areas. You can request one prayer guide for FREE today! Packs of 10, 25 and 50 prayer guides are also available at a discounted price so you can share this useful tool with your family, group, class or church.


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This email was sent by The Voice of the Martyrs

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