Monday, January 30, 2023

Gun Violence Prevention News for Congregations

Gun Violence Prevention
News for Congregations
Jan/Feb 2023

Lord, have mercy.
As mass shootings, police violence and deaths and injuries mount, we grieve, we protest, we take action. We hold on to hope that change is coming.

Photo: Message projected this week at a concert by Harry Styles in Los Angeles following mass shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay. Photo by Della Orr-Harter
Illinois Bans Semiautomatic Assault Weapons

"It was the power of advocacy," said Lois Thiessen Love, a member of First United Church of Oak Park in Chicago, Illinois. On Jan. 10 Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the bill for a statewide ban on the sale and distribution of semiautomatic assault weapons, high-capacity ammunition magazines and switches, which can turn handguns into small machine guns. Current assault weapons owners are "grandfathered in" to retain their weapons as long as they register them within one year.

Effective immediately, Illinois becomes the ninth state to ban the sale of military style weapons. While there are legal challenges to oppose the action, every state that has banned this class of weapons has successfully withstood such challenges. About 86% of mass shootings involve semiautomatic assault weapons. Momentum is mounting to reinstate the federal assault weapons ban. During that ban in 1994-2004, a recent study shows that mass shootings were 70% less likely than today.
Photo: Moms Demand Action advocates with the Governor, Illinois Public Media.
Advance Invitation for You!
Guns to Gardens Spring Action Circle March 2-30
We're offering advance registration to our Gun Violence Prevention Enews readers before we open it to the larger community. These one hour Zoom sessions will introduce your congregation to Guns to Gardens, including safety, logistics, publicity, pastoral care and best practices for planning your own Guns to Gardens ministry. The Action Circle gathers folks from churches across the nation every Thursday for one hour at 12:30 ET on Zoom. Space is limited.
Register Here, we will open registration publicly on Feb 1st.

June 10!!
The next national Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender day will be Sat. June 10. Let's get ready!
Hear the story of the owner of a semiautomatic assault weapon as he brings his firearm to be dismantled and turned into a garden the Guns to Gardens Safe Surrender Day at La Mesa Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, NM. Short video from New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence HERE.

Calling all Peacemakers!
May 7-10
Gathering in Kansas City

The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship invites you to its first in-person national gathering since before COVID. It will be held May 7-10 at the Heartland Center in Kansas City. Activists will enjoy learning, worship, action planning and community building. Gun Violence Prevention and Guns to Gardens will be a part of our experience. This is a great way to meet other Presbyterian peacemakers and learn more about PPF.
Learn more HERE.
Photo: The Heartland Center in Kansas City, MO
New Feature:
Art for Gun Violence Prevention

At the Marion County Library in Indianapolis, "Peace Dove" sculpture by firefighter Ryan Feeney was made of
over 1200 gun parts. At nine feet wide, it is a memorial to victims of gun violence. Photo: Indy Star

Can we count on you to support this Gun Violence Prevention Ministry?
Please make tax-deductible gifts HERE.

Gun Violence Prevention Ministry
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Rev. Deanna Hollas, Coordinator

Facebook ‌ Twitter ‌ Instagram ‌
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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