Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - Meet us in Missouri?

We are writing today with an exciting update! After three long years of not gathering in-person -- PPF will gather our community once again into one place.

Save the date for May 7-10 for an in-person Activist Council gathering at the Heartland Center outside Kansas City, MO.

This is a great opportunity to get to know PPF, even if you are not an Activist Council member. There will be opportunities for building relationships, for slowing down, and for deepening into our commitments to nonviolence and abolition.
This year's gathering will be centered around how we begin to embody and practice some of the intentions the Activist Council set together last year.

We adopted a new vision statement and a set of proposals intended to support us to work across our silos, to move into a model of decision making that was more radically inclusive and democratic, and to live more deeply into our values of transparency, anti-racism and nonviolence.

As we plan for our time together we want to know what people are feeling the most energy to begin to be in practice with first. We are committed to holding all of this change *and* we cannot accomplish it all in one weekend.

Will you help us shape our time together? Give us your thoughts below.

What are you most excited about practicing or deepening into?
Learning how to use a consensus model of decision making
Learning more about how to practice abolition
Learning more about how to evaluate our work together
Learning more about how to engage new people and build up leadership
Learning more about organizing principles
Learning more about how to use storytelling as a tool for our work
Thanks for your input. We hope you'll RSVP to let us know you're interested.

We will follow up with a formal registration once we have finalized all of our logistical pieces.

In anticipation!

Your planning team

(Annica Gage, Harry Eberts, Lucy Waechter Webb, Ashley Bair, Christa Galvin, David Ensign, Patrick Harley, Marilyn White, & Margery Rossi)

Photo credit from the Heartland Center website

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

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