Friday, January 27, 2023 Petition: Watson’s Law - Ban Debarking of animals, and prevent housing developers from requiring it.

Watson the corgi was debarked 4 years ago, after his previous owners were forced into getting the procedure done because of regulations in their apartment complex. It is legal in almost every state for real estate developers to require debarking, an invasive and irreversible procedure that can cause medical problems for the dog for the rest of their life. Petition starter Teresa is fighting to make debarking illegal, so dogs like Watson aren’t forced to undergo traumatizing and unnecessary medical procedures. Join her by signing the petition now.

Watson’s Law - Ban Debarking of animals, and prevent housing developers from requiring it.

10,708 have signed Teresa Jack’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!

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My name is Teresa Jack and this is my Corgi, Watson. He was rehomed to us 4 years ago, but only after his former family made a critical decision that changed his life forever. Watson was De-Barked. Devocalization is a medical procedure done to dogs under general anesthesia that removes a part of their vocal chord to silence the animal. It is irreversible and illegal in 4 states. 

Watson was De-Barked due to housing regulations at the apartment complex his former family lived in. 

It is currently legal in 48 states for Real Estate Developers to REQUIRE this surgery for a dog to reside there. Our housing shortage weaponizes poor people’s necessity for shelter against our animals. 

I have lived with a De-barked dog for almost 5 years and I have seen the impact it has had on his quality of life. Debarking is a medical procedure that is never in the best interest of the dog. Not only has my dog been sick with respiratory and airway issues from the procedure, but he has not been able to use his voice to ward off predators, or individuals he feels threatened by. This means that without his voice, Watson has resorted to the only other method he has to protect himself, his teeth. Watson bites. According to his previous owners, Watson never showed aggression towards any person before the procedure. He bites because it is the only way he can defend himself. Not having a voice is dangerous for him and the community. 

Debarking dogs fills the community with frustrated dogs who bite because they cannot growl.

  • We seek to make it illegal for any housing developer to require or suggest de-barking an animal as a prerequisite to their living on the property. 
  • We seek to make it illegal to De-vocalize domestic animals including dogs, cats, and birds. 
  • We seek to punish breeders who include de-vocalization in the cost of selling a puppy.

Watson was stripped of his voice, and now I have the responsibility to speak for him. 

Please sign our petition to ask members of our state senate and congress to BAN DEBARKING IN DOGS.


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