Sunday, January 1, 2023 Petition: Prioritize Children - Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent

Prioritize Children: Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent

22,799 have signed Carrie Anne’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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My name is Carrie Anne and I am a single mom to two girls. I work part-time while I take classes online to finish my degree. Somehow I manage to make it all work. Yet, I know for myself and many other parents, this year has been especially difficult with the huge spike in gas prices and insane inflation on basic items like groceries. My hard-earned money just doesn’t go as far these days, yet corporations are raking in record profits.

Last year I received monthly Child Tax Credit payments and they were a complete game-changer. I had a lot less stress knowing that I could count on money coming in during the middle of every month. I spent it on my kids — buying necessities like clothes and shoes for school, signing them up for gymnastics, and even taking them on a family trip. In fact, over 3 million kids across the country were lifted out of poverty by the CTC. 

We need Congress to prioritize people over corporate profits. Recently, I discovered that the Child Tax Credit is back on the table in Congress. But on that same table are a variety of corporate tax breaks. I believe that if Congress is going to vote to pass these corporate tax breaks and put cash right back into pockets of CEOs, then they need to vote to give American families a tax break as well.It looks like some members of Congress agree. 

Please join me in signing this petition that urges all Congress members to take a stand and prioritize families by making monthly Child Tax Credit payments permanent. Our government must put families first, not the corporations that continue to rake in record profits while kids go to bed hungry.

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