Friday, January 6, 2023 Petition: USDA - Add Plant-Based Milk Products to the 2023-2024 Foods Available List

USDA: Add Plant-Based Milk Products to the 2023-2024 Foods Available List

FARM Petitions started this petition to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and it now has 43,856 signatures

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With more than 49 million K-12 students in the United States and an estimated 12% of those lactose intolerant (408,000), isn’t it time plant-based milk products are added to the USDA National School Lunch Program’s Foods Available List?

Plant-based or non-dairy milk alternatives and products are a fast growing segment in new food product development category of functional and specialty beverages across the globe. Nowadays, cow milk allergies, lactose intolerance, calorie concerns, high cholesterol, and a preference to plant-based diets have influenced consumers towards choosing cow milk alternatives.

The USDA Foods Available List represents nearly 200 foods offered to schools around the U.S. at a reduced rate and, oftentimes, at no cost. The time is now to add plant-based milk products, like rice, pea and oat, that are healthier, delicious, and allergen-free. Let schools choose what is right for their students.

Add your signature to this important petition and let the USDA know that plant-based milk products should be made available nationwide and added to the USDA Foods Available List.


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