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In June of 2020, House and Senate Democrats introduced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. On March 3, 2021, House Democrats once again passed this same Act. This is a multi-clause bill created to drastically reduce the death toll wrought by excessive and unjust police brutality. NOW WE NEED THE SENATE TO MAKE THIS BILL INTO A LAW. The Justice in Policing Act PROHIBITS and BANS: The Justice in Policing Act ENABLES: PLEASE—share this petition: with your Senator and on your social streams! Tell the world that this is NOT the time to make police reform a partisan issue. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Atatiana Jefferson, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Sandra Bland, and countless others are NOT opportunities to "score" political points. Our police force is sworn to protect and serve the people. Let’s hold them to that promise. Let’s pass police reform! Sign and share this petition. Get YOUR senator to support the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act! ALSO: Visit tcatherinematthews.wixsite.com/letspasspolicereform for more information on how YOU can do even more to help pass police reform. | |||||||||||||||
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In this blog, we'll look at how men and women at serving Jesus Christ both at home and abroad. We'll focus on how God is using their work to transform the lives of people all over the world.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Change.org Petition: Let’s Pass Police Reform - Support the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act!
Monday, January 30, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - The PC(USA)’s ‘Advocacy Watch’ offers takeaways from COP27 climate conference
Stated Clerk reacts to video of altercation between Memphis police and Tyre Nichols
J. Herbert Nelson calls on communities and the church to change policing in this country
J. Herbert Nelson, II | Office of the General Assembly - January 30, 2023

Tyre Nichols protests at the Ohio State House in Columbus, Ohio on January 29, 2023. Photo by Becker1999 licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Tyre Nichols was a father, son, friend and co-worker. But on Jan. 7, he became the face and victim of the latest violent clash with law enforcement. He was 29 years old.
The release of body camera and surveillance video last week shows that Nichols was stopped by police near his home in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was brutally beaten and kicked. Based on the video released by authorities, they continued to beat him until he could not stand. There appeared to be no urgency to administer medical attention.
Law enforcement once again took on the role of judge, jury and executioner. It didn’t have to be that way. Now, a child has lost a father, a mother has lost a son and a community mourns another life needlessly taken by those who are sworn to protect them. We keep seeing this play out over and over again as names like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor come to mind.
There is something about policing in this country that must be transformed. While there are good officers out there who care about their communities, there are still those who carry a badge and believe that sets them above the law. We have got to talk about policing in a different way in the U.S. and focus on the toll this behavior is taking on marginalized people. The impact on marginalized individuals spills over into other issues such as a lack of educational opportunities and poverty. It’s all part of the death of the human soul. People are being left behind, and as a result, find themselves on the receiving end of injustice as we’ve witnessed through these videos. There is no respect for human life, and that must change.
I call on all Presbyterians and individuals who say they are concerned about human rights and social justice to step up, get involved, connect with your communities. It’s not just about social justice. It’s about shaping our communities so that people can be respected regardless of their socio-economic background. How do we value people again?
I join others across the country who weep for Tyre Nichols as a young promising life was snuffed out too soon. I ache for his family who must live their lives knowing their son didn’t have to die. I pray for our country as we struggle to find our way. We must be monitors of this type of behavior, and the faith community has to do something about it. I ask Jesus Christ to come into our hearts, minds and lives, energizing us to make positive change so that this young man and others will not have died in vain.
Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Gun Violence Prevention News for Congregations
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Saturday, January 28, 2023
Change.org Petition: Please Help Us Get Justice and Convictions for the Murder of Tyre Nichols
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