Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Sign Up Now to Contribute an Advent Devotional, Come to our Sept 22nd Event, Two Webinars Coming Up

Promote Creation Care with Your Advent Devotional

Let Heaven and Nature Sing!
For the 2022 Advent season, Presbyterians for Earth Care will provide a free daily devotional based on lectionary readings.  
Please consider writing a brief meditation. This year we are emphasizing personal and congregational actions with the theme “Let Heaven and Nature Sing!” The format for each page is a suggested scripture from the lectionary readings, a brief meditation, a simple one or two sentence prayer, and a one-sentence suggested action item. To save space, we simply need the biblical reference; the text itself does not need to be printed out (it will be linked to on the online version of the devotional).
Click here to sign up no later than October 10.
Personal stories related to creation care and preparing for Christmas are welcome.

Advent and creation care related hymns can be quoted, ideally from the Presbyterian Hymnal and Glory to God.  See also Creation Care in Glory to God article and online New Hymns on Creation Care by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette   
You may find inspiration from last year’s PEC Advent Devotionals (download HERE).
Your meditation should be about 250-300 words to fit on a half-sheet of paper (5 1/2” x 8 1/2”) with a half inch margin on all sides. PEC will make it available online in a format that your local church can print and share.  Your contribution is needed by Tuesday, November 1, at the latest for it to be included in the booklet.

We would also welcome original artwork (with permission to use) that reproduces well in black and white for this devotional booklet. Children's drawings would be appreciated for this national publication, as well as your photograph with a verse.

Please contact us with any questions at or  
Remember to sign up HERE by October 10 and submit your devotional by November 1.
Thank you for your help. Your participation will enrich the Advent season for others and benefit God’s perfect creation. 

Let Heaven and Nature Sing!

Scharmel Roussel
PEC Steering Committee

Mindy Hidenfelter
PEC Coordinator
In a season between the heat and light of summer and the darker, colder days of winter, the equinox is a day that marks the balance in creation.  In prayer, remembrance, and readings we'll explore the beginning of fall as marked by the autumnal equinox. Following our devotion, we will have a time of discussion of upcoming PEC events and an opportunity for membership to vote to approve a committee to develop and nominate a slate of Steering Committee Members for 2023.  We hope you can join us on Thursday, September 22nd at 7:30 pm Eastern (4:30 pm Pacific).

Here is the information needed to participate:

Meeting ID: 861 6984 6745
Passcode: 860425

Steering Committee Nominations for 2023
PEC is excited about the new members on our Steering Committee as we are re-envisioning Presbyterians for Earth Care this year. Elections for Steering Committee members for next year will be in January 2023. We invite PEC members to nominate candidates for one-and two-year terms on the Steering Committee. Positions up for election in 2023 include Moderator, Treasurer, and Regional Representatives for Pacific NW Mountain, Mid Atlantic, and Mid America.
Candidates should be Presbyterian and a member of PEC with good computer skills and familiarity with social media. Regional Representatives must live in the region that they would represent. For more information, please email the Nominating Committee at
If you know of a qualified candidate, please complete the Nomination Form HERE by September 30.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation - Recording Now Available

The Zoom recording of our September 1st Service for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, led by The Rev. Dr. Susan Gilbert Zencka, is now available on the PEC website.  CLICK HERE to access the recording and accompanying resources, which can be shared with your friends, family, and church congregation.
Sept. 27 Webinar:  Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis

The starting point for In Deep Waters: Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis is not news: the world as we know it is shifting. Several millennia of climate stability have come to an abrupt end. But, observes author Talitha Amadea Aho, the young people of today do not remember stability. They see the world through crisis-colored glasses. Climate change is creating a spiritual emergency that is hitting their generation harder than any other.

Today’s climate crisis calls people of faith to a communal spiritual practice of care, especially for those who are more vulnerable because of their youth–the children, youth, and young adults of Generation Z. We must learn how to offer spiritual care that is informed by the spiritual-ecological crisis of their generation. The Rev. Aho guides us with her pastoral and chaplain experience to keep young people at the center of our communities and listen to the troubles they have to share. Whether you are a Gen Z peer or a caring adult of any other generation, this webinar will show you how to offer ecologically informed spiritual care.

Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm Eastern (4:00 pm Pacific)

Presenter: Talitha Amadea Aho

Save the Date!  October 13, 2022 Our Angry Eden
Our Angry Eden: Faith and Hope on a Hotter, Harsher Planet
(Download a free Discussion Guide HERE)
Webinar will be presented by the author, The Rev. Dr. David Williams.
More details coming soon.
Can we help you and/or your church care for creation?  
Help us grow! Please let us know if  there is anyone we should add to our list!
Email us at

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC on our secure website for donations.
Presbyterians for Earth Care is a national eco-justice network that cares for God’s creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring Presbyterians to make creation care a central concern of the church.

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