Saturday, September 10, 2022 Petition: Support local Maine town to stand up to Poland Spring corporate interests

Despite an ongoing drought, Poland Spring is trying to double the amount of water it extracts from one of its wells in Hollis, Maine. The company makes millions in dollars in profits while many local families are left without water because their own wells have dried up. Local streams are running lower than ever, and local wildlife are running out of places to drink as well. Nina is asking the town to reject Poland Spring’s request. Add your name to support local Mainers’ access to clean water.

Support local Maine town to stand up to poland spring corporate interests

42,025 have signed Nina Fuller’s petition. Let’s get to 50,000!

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Poland Spring water (owned by BlueTriton) takes water from small Maine towns and makes hundreds of millions of dollars in profits, while many local families are left with dry wells and no water when they turn on their faucet. 

We are asking for your support in standing up against poland spring corporate interests who have now requested from the town of Hollis, Maine to increase the water they take from the nearby water source to 60 million gallons. In addition to being an environmental concern, the fact that poland spring continues to take from a town where there are residents who have no water is horrible.

Please support the town of Hollis, Maine in 1) saying NO to poland spring’s 60 million gallon request 2) demand poland spring pay to drill deeper wells for Hollis residents who have dug wells and no water, this would cost less than 1% of their annual average revenue.   

Thank you for supporting local residents and farms! We need your help to protect our environment and communities! 

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