Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - Check out this new Guns to Gardens logo

Revealing a new Guns to Gardens logo!
The national movement to dismantle guns and forge them into garden tools is growing!

After dozens of events around the country those who are setting up chopsaws to save lives are working together as part of a national coalition. From New Mexico, to Connecticut, and Utah to Ohio we are chopping us guns and transforming lives.
Volunteers dismantle guns at Community of Grace Presbyterian
in Sandy, UT as part of the National Guns to Gardens day on June 11, 2022.
We are proud to be part of this group! Everyone using the Guns to Gardens name will be taking on a new logo to help draw us all together.
Check out our new look!
PPF has contributed to this movement by training people to host their first Guns to Gardens event specifically in a congregation. This year we had 100 people go through our action circles representing 66 congregations from 6 denominations and 5 non-profit organizations across 22 states.  

Our fall cohorts begin Thursdays, October 6 – November 10 (6 weeks) -
sign up for either the daytime OR the evening cohort.
  • 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT (daytime cohort)

  • 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT (evening cohort)
We are wanting to have another great turnout for the National Guns to Gardens day on December 3, 2022. This year the lectionary reading for the first Sunday in Advent contains the Isaiah 2:4 passage that Guns to Gardens is based on: 
Guns to Gardens is how we can embody the prophet's vision in a season when the word is made flesh.  

Being part of the National Guns to Gardens movement gives us greater access to resources along with a way to amplify our impact of keeping our communities safe by offering gun owners a way to rid their homes of unwanted guns with the assurance their guns will not be used for future harm. 

December 14 also marks 10 years since the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary school where 20 children and 6 adults were massacred with an assault rifle. In the absence of National legislation, your church can show children that you care about fear they live under and are taking action to end gun violence by holding a Guns to Gardens event on December 3, 2022.
P.S. Are you wondering whether your local candidates are gun sense candidates? Check out this voter guide as you prepare to head to the polls this fall.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

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