Saturday, September 3, 2022 Petition: Fast track human trials and save lives from cancer

fast track human trials and save lives from cancer

maggie fogel started this petition, and it now has 12,399 signatures

Sign now with a click

ErSO is a new class of drug being developed that has the potential to eradicate estrogen positive breast cancer. This drug could treat more than 70% of all breast cancers! ErSO was developed by scientists at the University of Illinois and is now being developed and tested by Systems Oncology. 

ErSO is awaiting FDA clearance to start human trials. Those of us living with cancer, especially stage IV metastatic breast cancer (MBC), need trials fast tracked. Your action could very well save lives; 118 of us die from MBC every day in the US alone.

First complete this short form and in the "question or comment" section, urge the FDA to "expedite ErSO to human trials; we need new treatments for breast cancer."

FDA contact form

Then sign the petition. We have love and science on our side. Take that, cancer....

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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