Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Let’s make an impact on climate change – together

Because awareness leads to impact:
Join us on 28 September for a global, multi-faith forum.

More and more religious people are concerned about climate change and are experiencing its impacts.

Yet our religious communities are not yet publicly addressing climate destruction or restoration with boldness that meets this moment.

Most of us haven’t had the opportunity to reflect about the moral and religious dimensions of the climate crisis or its true causes and solutions. We need to develop relationships and skills that empower us to make an impact.

But we can do that together.

On Sept 28, hosted by the Catholic University of East Africa in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims and Laudato Si’ Movement, GreenFaith invites you to join Faiths for a Just Energy Transition.


This will be a 2-hour webinar, with live interpretation in Spanish, French, and Swahili.

Participants will learn the basis for the three commitments that religious groups are calling for around the globe:

  • an immediate end to new fossil fuel projects,

  • an equitable phase-out of coal, oil and gas,

  • and a generous commitment to a just transition for impacted communities and workers.

Speakers from diverse religious and activist communities will share reflections from the heart of their traditions, while experts will describe why the three commitments are so important.

Awareness always precedes action. Let’s learn and take action– together.


See you soon,
rev. abby mohaupt

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