Sunday, September 4, 2022 Petition: Preserve Historically Black-Owned Land in Conway, South Carolina

The Sandridge is a small community in Conway, South Carolina. The land on which this historically Black community is built has been owned by five Black families for 100+ years. The community is now threatened by eminent domain from the South Carolina Department Of Transportation (SCDOT). In other words, the SCDOT wants to build a highway right through the town. According to Sea—the petition starter—this is a form of modern day gentrification and theft. Add your name to preserve The Sandridge and protect this historic Black community.

Preserve Historically Black-Owned Land in Conway, South Carolina

1,672 have signed Sea Pogue’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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A small community known as “The Sandridge” in Conway, South Carolina needs your help. This historically black community’s neighborhood based in Horry County is about to face imminent domain by the South Carolina Department Of Transportation (SCDOT) to build a highway in the middle of their small town… unless we do something about it. To build a highway smack dab in the middle of this property is nothing short of modern day gentrification and thievery. The land belongs to the Hemingway, Friend, Faulk, Williams and Bellamy families, which are all related and have owned the land for well over 100 years. 


Please sign this petition for demanding the SCDOT prevents this imminent domain from occuring, so that this land can be preserved and these families can continue to live and prosper on it for many more years to come.

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