Friday, September 30, 2022 Petition: NFL Remove Brett Favre from the HOF

Mississippi is the poorest state in the US. Struggling families in the state desperately need welfare money to survive, but Brett Favre has stolen this money from them. Favre, a Mississippi Hall of Fame football player, has been linked to a group of 38 others who have been accused of using 8 million dollars of state welfare money. Reginald started his petition because he knows Brett Favre should no longer be honored in the Hall of Fame. He wants to see Favre held accountable for his actions and removed from the HoF. If you agree with Reginald, sign the petition now.

NFL Remove Brett Favre from the HOF

1,429 have signed Reginald Jackson’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!

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Brett Favre committed welfare fraud, defrauding the poorest state in the nation. This crime goes quietly unmentioned as the National football league and other media outlets want to avoid covering one of their own. $32 dollars worth of crab legs by Jamis Winston was front page news and ran the media circuit for weeks. Michael Vick is involved in dog fighting and the media circus was truly three rings, but 5 million dollars of welfare fraud defrauding many in need to build a volleyball stadium for his daughters former college. Please keep in mind Brett made over 100 million dollars in his playing career, but felt the need to steal 5 million dollars from the poorest state in the nation. NFL, and ESPN you should be ashamed of your bias coverage of this scandal. I create this petition as a lifelong Green Bay Packers fan, but at this moment the residents of the state of Mississippi are more important than one man and his daughters legacy with a volleyball stadium.

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