Friday, March 4, 2022

You can be Jesus' hands in Ukraine

WEA Ukraine Crisis Response


Imagine enemy aircraft overhead. 

Heavily armed paratroopers. 

Tanks in the streets. 

Bombs exploding nearby. 

Women and children killed. 

Husbands and fathers are directed to the front lines.

Hunger. Sickness. Homelessness. 

Escape routes cut-off. 

Unaccompanied children at the borders. 

Human traffickers taking advantage of young female refugees. 

The horror of war has come to our Christian brothers and sisters in Ukraine. 

But they are remaining faithful, courageously keeping churches open for refuge and comfort, feeding, praying, organizing escapes. 

These are our partners working in the midst of war to save the lives of our church family. 

To help the 800,000+ refugees who are crossing the border we are also working with WEA national church alliances and ministry partners to reliably deliver aid. 

Money for food, medicines, fuel, shelter and more is needed urgently.


These are your brothers and sisters. They need you. Now.

Please CLICK HERE to send a message of love and hope. You WILL make a difference in the lives of pastors, their families, and their communities.

Please know how much your gifts and prayers mean.

May God richly bless you.

Rev. Dr. Brian Winslade

Deputy Secretary General, Ministries

World Evangelical Alliance

PS. You can help even more by sharing this on your social media.


About WEA

The WEA is a network of churches in more than 140 nations that have joined to give a worldwide identity, voice and platform to more than 600 million evangelical Christians. Our work focusses on evangelism, church leader discipleship and advocacy for critical causes such as religious freedom and persecution, human trafficking, peace & reconciliation, refugees, creation care, relief and development. WEA enjoys special status with the United Nations and diplomatic type access to world political leaders to advocate for change.

WEA has been a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since 1980. WEA is audited annually by an independent public accounting firm. WEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In the United States, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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