Saturday, March 5, 2022

#Petition: Ban this Russian propaganda channel - Ban RT from YouTube

Russia Today (also known as RT) is a state-backed channel spreading disinformation about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Their Youtube channel has over 4 million subscribers. Companies including Facebook, Google, and Tiktok have banned the outlet in Europe – but still display the channel to millions of viewers in the U.S. and other parts of the world. Join petition starter Jay in urging Youtube to ban RT from their platform everywhere.

Ban RT from YouTube

1,196 have signed Jay Watson’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!

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The Russian propaganda channel, RT, is still up and running on YouTube, spreading dangerous and criminal Russian misinformation regarding the invasion of Ukraine, and false justifications for war. 

Their main website has been downed by Anonymous, and they have already been banned in the UK and Europe. But their main channel RT is still running on YouTube, along with many other sub-channels, spreading Russian propaganda every single day. They need to be stopped immediately.

Not only that, Russians evidently, have created thousands if not millions of "troll accounts", who subscribe, like, and comment on these videos, spreading further fake support and lies, in order to make it appear as if people actually are on the side of Russia, supporting the invasion and all of Putin’s criminal ambitions. 

This cannot be allowed to go on. Please join me in the petition for YouTube to ban them from the platform, and from participating in the global community. I am just a regular person, like you, who may be reading this. I understand that this may not be significant, but we must stand up for the people of Ukraine, and do everything we can to help them, whether through donations, or by cutting off Putin’s mouthpieces one by one. The Russian people don’t want this war, it is the deadly ambitions of Putin and Putin alone. 

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