Saturday, August 1, 2020

We're building a stronger movement together.

Over the last several months, we have been hard at work developing a training series that can better support our GreenFaith community to grow stronger, deeper, and bigger, and to become more effective. After consulting with many of you across the world, reading through our member survey, and hearing about how people are experiencing this current moment, we have developed a series of online trainings to which we’re excited to invite you!
We will offer these trainings and events throughout August and will plan to continue this series every month. We have limited spots in each of these trainings, so sign up ASAP.
On August 6, we will hold our very first GreenFaith Welcome call, at 10am and 8pm ET. We’ll talk about our mission and vision, how we can work together to make change happen, and how you can get involved. You don't want to miss this one. You can RSVP here.
On August 20, we’ll hold our regular Community Call for Care and Resilience, because. spiritual practice, reflection, emotional openness and prayer are at the heart of who we are. You can RSVP here.
On August 27, we will be holding an Eco-Theology Call on the connection between COVID-19, climate change and Environmental Justice, with faith partners from different regions of the world sharing their perspectives. More details about the panelists will be available shortly. You can RSVP here.  
And for those of you in the United States, on Sept 2, we’ll be launching our Righteous Voter Campaign! In recent months, the pernicious influence of racism on voting access has become clearer than ever. Communities of color, already suffering at far higher rates from the pandemic, have been routinely subjected to COVID-exposed, hours-long voting lines and logistical and technological issues in primary elections. We invite you to join our 2020 Righteous Voter Program to learn more about the connections between voter suppression and climate change, and explore how you can work with us to raise awareness and protect access to voting for all. You can RSVP here and look out for a Righteous Voter pledge in your email.
Finally, on August 1st, we will also be re-launching GreenFaith’s Fellowship Program, with applications due by September 15. This unique Program is an 11 month intensive leadership development opportunity that will equip Fellows to organize local multi-faith GreenFaith Circles, communities of care and resilience. Keep your eyes out for the application.
Thank you again for being part of the GreenFaith community. I hope to see you on the calls.
In faith and solidarity,
rev. abby mohaupt
P.S. If you’ve enjoyed our Community calls for Care and Resilience in the past, please give to GreenFaith so that we can reach even more people in the future.
101 South Third Avenue, #12, Highland Park, NJ, USA 08904
732-565-7740 (Phone)
Copyright © 2018 GreenFaith - All rights reserved.

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