Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Unbound - 7 Ways Christians Can Show Up For Racial Justice


It is far past time that people of the Christian faith show up for racial justice in our country especially since many churches and religious institutions have perpetuated racist systems. Christianity is a faith of love and justice, not one that should be tied to nationalism, tyranny, or systems of white supremacy. Here are just 7 ways Christians can show up for racial justice:
  • Call racial injustice out!
    • Calling out is within the foundation of the Christian tradition. Jesus called out evil and oppression. Prophets in the Old Testament held leaders and the people accountable for ignoring the orphan and the widow. It is risky and will come with backlash, but Christians cannot ignore or be silent when it comes to the oppression of our Black and Brown siblings.
  • Vote.
    • God gives us our embodiment to express ourselves and our beliefs. One of those expressions is the right to vote. We should not only vote, but fight for voting rights, mail-in ballots to keep ourselves and our siblings safe, and call out voter suppression (which is racist and perpetuates white supremacy).
  • Protest. White Christians show up!
    • To some, protesting on the streets may not be an option. However, showing up is important…in some way. Right now, social distancing and being safe may keep you away from the crowds, but there are many other ways to protest. Write your representatives or call them. Start an online protest. Make yard signs or start small protests in your local neighborhoods. This is especially important for white Christians because white people must show up. Christianity is not a faith of passivity; it is a faith of action…so let’s get out there.
  • Challenge dangerous and racist biblical interpretations.
    • History shows us that Christian interpretation of scripture has long perpetuated racism in this country. Preachers in the confederate south justified slavery using the Word of God. Right now, those dangerous and wrong interpretations are still with us, fueling hate and racism.  Christians should challenge racist, biblical interpretations while proclaiming a gospel of love and justice.
  • Get involved in local movements.
    • Find out what is going on in your local community when it comes to racial justice. No matter where you are racism will be there. It doesn’t matter if you are in rural South Carolina or New York City – white supremacy and racism know no bounds.
  • Check out the Presbyterian Church USA Week of Action
    • This week! The Presbyterian Church USA is holding a week of action to call out systems of racism and white supremacy. Join this week by going to or to PCUSA’s social media platforms.
  • White Christians should do the inner work of dismantling their white supremacy.
    • Showing up for racial justice must coincide with showing up for yourself and dismantling your own perpetuations of racism and white supremacy. There are many resources out there to guide you in this journey. Unbound suggests Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad and checking out

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