Monday, August 31, 2020 - Ban the Confederate Flag on Publicly Funded Buildings & Lands

Ban the Confederate Flag on Publicly Funded Buildings & Lands
The International Anti Slavery Commission started this petition to U​.​S. Senate and it now has 19,953 signatures
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The Confederate Flag is a painful symbol of thousands of lives lost, and a country broken.  It is the symbol of the slave owner.  A symbol of hatred and division, and a symbol of white power that cannot continue in 2020 after the murder of George Floyd.
Every time the descendants of slaves see that flag, they feel generational pain that is both grotesque and misunderstood.  
It costs MONEY - OUR MONEY - to keep these flags of hate flying.
ANY symbol that divides us be removed.  Finally, a new day is dawning.   
Sign now with a click

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