Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Thursday: Two Great Events on Racial Justice

Two Great Racial Justice Events This Thursday

Who Lives and Who Dies: How COVID-19 Has Shined a Light on the Politics of Death in United States


Why We Can't Wait
Report from the Hill: HR-40 and Reparations
As part of its ACT Now to End Racism initiative, the National Council of Churches will be sponsoring two important online events on Thursday July 30. Separate registration for each event is required. We invite you to join us for an enriching day.
The political scientist Achille Mbembe conceptualizes necropolitics as such: “The ultimate expression of sovereignty resides, to a large degree, in the power and the capacity to dictate who may live and who must die.” COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that has highlighted a historic truth about the United States. The country was founded and built on systemic and systematic race, class and gender hierarchical constructs that ranks the value of people groups. The coronavirus has shined a light on how our systems and structures determine who should live and who is expendable. Join the National Council of Churches in a theological, political and cultural conversation on necropolitics, the politics of death, with three of the most sought after scholars on politics, religion, and culture.

Serving as a leading voice of witness to the living Christ in the public square since 1950, 
the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) brings together 38 member communions 
and more than 40 million Christians in a common expression of God's love and promise of unity. 

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