Tuesday, July 7, 2020




Our Mass Delusion: No Lives Matter
By Deborah Hollifield, PPL Executive Director


Presbyterians Protecting Life is a Christian organization with a Christian mission:  “Compelled by the Gospel, PPL equips Presbyterians to champion human life at every stage.”  What is unsaid in our mission statement, but which is true by extension, is that “every stage” includes every developmental point on the spectrum of life from conception to natural death, regardless of any particular attribute or ability possessed by any human life on that spectrum.  We have published extensively on matters involving all methods of conception, contraception, circumstances of birth, varieties of adoption, birth anomalies, suicide and end-of-life issues.  We have addressed matters of race surrounding the eugenic beliefs and methods of Planned Parenthood in communities of color, highlighting the disproportionately high number of black children eliminated by abortion, which is rightly deemed genocide.  Whatever the topic, we have addressed it scientifically, ethically and theologically, particularly regarding the image of God borne by all human life.
Why should the Black community be wary of Planned Parenthood? Justice Clarence Thomas explains.

Race-based abortion is 20th-century eugenics, according to United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In a multi-page summary opinion written last year, Thomas stated, “Enshrining a constitutional right to an abortion based solely on the race, sex, or disability of an unborn child, as Planned Parenthood advocates, would constitutionalize the views of the 20th-century eugenics movement.”

ANALYSISCivil rights activist Dick Gregory: abortion is Black ‘genocide’

Comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory died August 19, 2017, and although he is best known for his humor, the satirist once called out government-funded abortion and birth control as a genocide effort targeting the Black community.  Gregory was the father of eleven children but tragically, one of his children died as an infant. He often used his humor to touch on the social ills of the day, and as a result, many white people attended his comedy events. He became a strong voice in the Black community during the tumultuous times of the 1960’s and 70’s during the African American civil rights struggle.LYSIS


FROM THE PCA:  Group of PCA coordinators and Presidents issues statement on heinous killings  
FROM THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION:  Southern Baptist pastors take on SBC leaders by announcing resolution on abolishing abortion
FROM THE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST:  COGIC Passes Sanctity of Life Resolution - November, 2019
Podcast: A Conversation About Racism Between Black and White Christians on Cross Examined, 6/27/2020
Bring the Viable Play to your church or community
Viable is the triumphant story of a mother heavy-laden with shame, sorrow, and self-condemnation for 30 years because of her choice… until she experiences the healing, renewing, and restorative love of Jesus Christ in a most unexpected and unusual way.
From the PPL Resource Tab 
The "FAQ" box on the Abortion Resources tab linked below contains the most current statistics and related facts on abortion within the Christian and black populations
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champion human life at every stage!
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