Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - "If Grace was a 15-year-old white girl, she would not be in jail.

A teen named "Grace" could be jailed until September by a judge punishing her for not doing her homework. Thousands are outraged that someone could be sentenced to juvenile detention over homework. But that’s what Judge Mary Ellen Brennan has done, and the judge isn’t backing down. That’s why your signature on this petition from "Grace’s" community can make a huge difference. Growing signatures have made this a national news story, and the starters aren’t going to rest until "Grace" is released.
Stop the School to Prison Pipeline - Free Grace from Incarceration
232,384 have signed Andrea Kelly and Anna Garcia’s petition. Let’s get to 300,000!
Sign now with a click
A black, 15 year-old female student from Groves High School in Birmingham, MI with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) was incarcerated on alleged probation violation of not keeping up with her online schoolwork during the pandemic. Grace’s teacher, who was supposed to speak on her behalf, was unable to testify because she had to leave to teach a class. The only person to speak on Grace’s behalf was her caseworker, who was unaware of Grace’s educational disabilities and her IEP. The presiding judge called her a "threat to the community." Here’s a link to the story
It’s been 33 days and she’s still there.
Please sign this petition to show your support to free Grace, provide her with the support and resources she ACTUALLY needs, and dismiss her case. The petition will be sent to the Oakland County Family Court Division, the Judge who oversaw the case: Judge Mary Ellen Brennan, and the Birmingham Public Schools Board of Education. 

If you want to help you can:
Call Judge Mary Ellen Brennan - (248)-858-0355
EMAIL Judge Mary Ellen Brennan’s CLERKS:

Email the Communication Director for Birmingham Public Schools, Anne Cron:

If you want to bring this to the attention of the BPS Board of Education: 

Sign now with a click

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