Monday, July 27, 2020 - Legislation Mandating Education on Systemic Racism in American High Schools

Legislation Mandating Education on Systemic Racism in American High Schools
Zachary Yonas started this petition to Department of Education and it now has 3,615 signatures
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Currently, there is no legislation requiring schools across America to educate students on Systemic Racism. Failing to educate those growing up in America on the history of a system designed to advantage whites continues to raise generations unwilling to make changes. The lack of information provided to those of privilege inhibits their ability to see perspectives other than their own. No matter the background of the individual, we believe that educating current and future generations on the history of oppression that Black Americans and other people of color face in America can contribute towards the repair of the system.
The conversation of race in America is one that’s uncomfortable for a lot of people. Starting the conversation when Americans are young and in a place of learning and discussion can help spark the conversation and raise a more informed, more inclusive and compassionate America. 
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