Friday, July 31, 2020

A year of service for a lifetime of change

Young Adult Volunteers
A year of service for a lifetime of change
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes in our lives. These times are challenging the ways in which we do and envision ministry. However, these kairos times have also called us to become creative in the YAV world. Walking by faith has never become so real in a moment of constant changes. We can truly say, "We do not know what the future holds, but in the present moment we are trusting in God for help."
In response to the travel ban issued by the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in response to the pandemic, we have created a modified YAV year for 2020–21.
We believe in the importance of engaging young adults in service and ministry in such a time as this. We invite our friends to continue to pray for the YAV program in these challenging times. Most importantly, we ask that you continue to support this vital program by promoting it within your congregations and sharing these stories of hope. One story of hope was shared by Maureen Anderson, the YAV site coordinator in New York, who survived COVID-19. She continued to lead her YAVs, even as she healed in one of the country’s hot spots. She also shared her gifts of writing poetry that were birthed from her own experience. Let us continue to share the stories of pain and hope that make the YAV program such an important ministry!
The Rev. Everdith "Evie" Landrau, coordinator
Young Adult Volunteer Program
Matthew 25 Church
Application dates extended
As one of the 2019–20 Young Adult Volunteers, Juliana Bernier Carrasquillo’s work supported a school in Peru for children who are deaf or cannot speak, a population greatly marginalized by the wider society. Although her YAV year was cut short because of the pandemic, Juliana said, "My work is not only aimed at teaching students through the light and hope God has given me, but to also recognize and appreciate the light and hope God has given them. In spite of our cultural differences and language barriers, we have been able to create community by exchanging our God-given gifts. It is in this manner that we are able to fulfill our biblical purpose, where our faith grows, our hearts enlarge, permitting the blood to flow fluidly through the veins and allowing us to function as one body of Christ."
Invite Young Adults to serve →
Coffee and Conversations on the border
Katelyn Rediger, Elvia Llinas, Hannah Singerline and Bridich Saragos serve as part of Frontera de Cristo’s binational internship ministry in which up to four interns — two from the U.S. and two from Mexico — live in community by sharing an apartment in Agua Prieta while serving with FDC’s ministries.
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New York Young Adult Volunteers site coordinator recovers from COVID-19
"I believe that as challenging as this was, there is something good coming next," said Maureen Anderson, New York City YAV site coordinator. "This is the rain before the rainbow. I have high hopes I’ve also been in a place where I was in pain and under a dark cloud and have been brought out into light. I am encouraged that these young adults still want to be a part of the program and realize how much their service is needed. We are going to grow from this."
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YAV program creates new normal for 2020–22 program years
Despite the challenges created by COVID-19, the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is committed to responding to the call to serve in creative ways. (Photo 2019 YAV class)
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Vital Congregations host Zoom conversation on empowering servant leadership
Destini Hodges, associate for recruitment and relationships with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Young Adult Volunteer Program, recently joined current YAVs Langley Hoyt and Sierra Mink, along with YAV alum Simon Doong, in a panel discussion on the topic of Empowering Servant Leadership, one of the Seven Marks of Vital Congregations.
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Financial support for the YAV program
Please consider giving to the YAV program through a monthly or one-time gift to care for young adults engaged in "a year of service for a lifetime of change."
Make your gift online today! →
Matthew 25 Church
The Young Adult Volunteer program, a ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is an ecumenical, one-year service opportunity for young adults ages 19 to 30. For more than two decades, YAVs have listened for God’s call in their lives, while serving alongside partners at sites in the United States and around the world. YAVs live in intentional Christian communities developing and deepening their faith through service. Learn more about this transformative year at
Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are over 600 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
Explore our bold vision →
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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