Thursday, July 9, 2020

Raising voices and awareness for justice

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As spring gave way to summer, the United States and the World were grappling with the legacy of systemic racism and violence under the shadow of a crippling pandemic. These are issues the Compassion, Peace & Justice (CPJ) ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency have dealt with for years. The July Justice & Peace monthly looks at ways the CPJ ministries have worked to guide the church through these days and joined the call for justice.
Visit the CPJ web pages
Beyond protests, how can you and your church bring change?
Jimmie Hawkins
The director of PC(USA) Office of Public Witness in Washington D.C. has ideas, including act local, get to know police and run for office.
Find out more
Webinar highlights immigration and pandemic issues
Zoom meeting
U.S. immigrants are keenly aware that there is a difference between what the United States promises — the American Dream — and what many immigrants experience each day.
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The Presbyterian Hunger Program’s Impact Report is out
Download the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s latest Impact Report to learn how your gifts made a difference in 2019!
2019 PHP Impact Report cover
Presbyterians reach out to Native American communities during pandemic
Southwestern landscape
"One of the things that the pandemic is exposing are all these pockets of chronic poverty and how chronic poverty creates even further gaps in the system, and when we see those gaps in the system I think that God’s Holy Spirit compels us to act."
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MRTI endorses statement of solidarity against systemic racism
unified hands
The Presbyterian Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) has signed onto a statement calling for the investment community to help put an end to systemic racism and foster racial equity and justice.
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PC(USA) and other faith groups call for UN human rights inquiry in US
United Nations flags
Global Christian leaders, including the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to create a Commission of Inquiry into the death of George Floyd and systemic racism and police brutality in the U.S.
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Just ahead of Israel’s annexation announcement, webinar explores the ramifications
West Bank wall
CPJ ministries the Office of Public Witness and Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations joined with colleagues in Presbyterian World Mission for a look at Israel’s latest action on the West Bank.
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Short sermons on social witness and General Assembly
Representatives of CPJ ministries Mission Responsibility Through Investment and the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy were among the guests on General Assembly editions of Unbound’s "Just Talk Live."
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plenary speaker
A poignant photograph illustrates dealing with deep grief
Denise Anderson
The Rev. Denise Anderson, Coordinator of the Office of Racial and Intercultural Justice, preached to Vital Congregations last month about lament and how we engage with the suffering of others.
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Domestic violence focus of final gun violence webinar
Standing our Holy Ground banner
A little under a year after it launched, the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s gun violence prevention webinar series concluded last month with a discussion about domestic violence. The entire series is available as a resource on the Peacemaking Program’s website.
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Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
Matthew 25 banner
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are more than 530 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
Learn about this bold vision
Coronavirus/COVID-19 — Latest church resources
for congregations and members
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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WCC NEWS - Prof. Rastko Jovic, co-convener of the Just Community of Women and Men, reflects on the theology behind gender justice

Prof. Rastko Jovic, from Serbia,  co-convener of Just Community of Women and Men   reflects in a WCC video interview about the World Council...