Thursday, July 16, 2020

Protect Asylum Seekers!

On June 15th, the U.S Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice proposed a rule that would drastically change the asylum system in the U.S. This proposed rule creates harsh restrictions on asylum access and eligibility. If enacted, this would prevent many people with well-founded fears of persecution from accessing asylum in the United States.

The rule makes it more difficult for asylum seekers to pass initial credible fear screenings and enter the asylum process. It would generally require asylum seekers to have sought asylum in at least one other country they have traveled through before reaching the U.S. This rule also severely limits claims of gender persecution as a legitimate reason for seeking asylum. By refusing to accept gender as a persecuted social group, this rule fails to account for gender-based violence that is a real threat to many. Additionally, the rule allows judicators to refuse asylees who are fleeing government persecution if the judicator deems that government’s laws or policies are “infrequently enforced.” For example, if an LGBTQIA+ asylum seeker is fleeing a country due to discriminatory policies surrounding sexual orientation, they could be refused asylum if the judicator deems the laws and policies of the asylees home country are “infrequently enforced.”

This proposed rule is an attempt to close our borders and keep out people who are genuinely in need of safety. Under the Refugee Act of 1980, America has an obligation to protect those who fear persecution. This rule is in direct conflict with that obligation and must not be enacted!

In 1999, the 211th Presbyterian General Assembly approved a statement, “Transformation of Churches and Society through Encounter with New Neighbors,” which called Christians to advocate for refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants. Presbyterians are called to meet the needs of the refugee and asylee community through “housing and food, education for children and adults, health services, legal assistance,” and “life opportunities.” As people of faith, we must speak out against any unjust policy that fails to uplift the life and dignity of asylum seekers.

The comment period on the rule ends on July 15th. We urge you to submit a public comment demanding that the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security rescind this proposed rule in its entirety. Please find a sample comment here. Submit your public comment here.

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