Monday, July 6, 2020

GreenFaith - We want to hear from you.

We are living in unprecedented times. Three short months ago we could not have imagined the sudden intersection of climate crisis, global pandemic, and racial justice or the dramatic changes we have experienced as a result. Our eyes have been opened; we realize we have made assumptions about ourselves and the earth, and we recognize that neither our social systems nor our physical infrastructure are prepared for what lies ahead. Many of us feel overwhelmed, angry, and frightened.
But, at GreenFaith we are also hopeful.
We have responded quickly to these crises by inviting people of faith around the world to turn towards this moment with faith and courage. Each week we have offered Faith Community Calls of Care and Resilience and thankfully thousands of you have joined us. We have reflected on our fundamental commitment to care for each other; we have learned about Buddhist and Muslim ethics to care for the earth; we have been challenged by the Christian teaching to recognize our own brokenness and lifted up the Jewish wisdom to repair the world. Together we have offered each other solace and encouragement to respond with compassion grounded in love, and to move towards justice.
Now it is time to engage in next steps. We want to hear from you in order to learn more about our GreenFaith community and shape what’s next. Please take 10 minutes to fill out this GreenFaith Member Survey.
At GreenFaith, we are bringing people together to create the communities of care and resilience we know are necessary to meet the needs of today and create a better tomorrow for future generations.
Thank you for your faithful commitment to the ongoing work of the GreenFaith community. We value each one of you; together we are a web of strength and connection that make a bright future possible.
In faith and solidarity,
The Rev. Amy Brooks and the GreenFaith staff

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