Friday, July 17, 2020 - Schools and COVID

Schools nationwide are judging whether to open in the fall. Big decisions are being made on what reopening looks like. Petition starter Joel thinks the voices of teachers - one of the groups most affected by these decisions - are missing from the discussions. He started this petition to get teachers their say on their health and safety. Sign his petition now to demand that decisions about school reopening include input from all teachers.
Include All Teachers’ Voices in School Reopening Plans
1,200 have signed Joel Judd’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!
Sign now with a click
Schools are hurriedly making plans to reopen in the Fall. Many states are going ahead with face to face arrangements in spite of a failure to adequately control the COVID-19 infection rate. Feckless government leadership has actually threatened schools who don’t reopen in the fall with funding cuts!
Missing from discussions about reopening school is the voice of teachers. With over 3 million teachers in the U.S., this is a glaring omission. In spite of being hailed as heroes, their efforts and experiences in the Spring are being largely ignored as states and districts decide what will happen in the Fall.  Teachers, along with children, will be most at-risk if proper safeguards are not in place. On top of the health risks, states will now expect teachers to teach both online and in-person, and still meet the academic needs of all students--many of whom simply disappeared in March.
Contact your Chief State School Officer and 1) insist they include all teachers in reopening plans, and 2) affirm teachers’ firsthand knowledge and experiences in resuming the education of 50 million students across the U.S. A clickable map with your state’s chief education official contact information is here: 
Sign now with a click

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